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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Haverford chapter.

Hi all! It’s that time of year, when we head back to school and back to the anxiety producing hectic schedules we make for ourselves. One of my projects over the summer was to find some helpful apps when I need a little pick-me-up or friendly reminder that I need to drink water or take a walk.


I’ve compiled a list of things that I’ve tried and enjoyed for different facets of mental health or geared towards different mental illnesses. Below is a summary of each app as I’ve found it. They are in no particular order so don’t consider this a rating!


Recovery Record


What it’s for: Eating Disorders

What it does: You can log your meals, behaviors, and feelings. The app tracks your moods and gives you coping mechanisms catered towards your situation. There’s also an option for a clinician to connect with you and view your logs.

There is also an anonymous support group connected with the app so you can support and receive help from others.




What it’s for: Stress and Anxiety

What it does: Gives you daily tools for dealing with stress and anxiety while allowing you to track your moods, thoughts, and feelings. It includes relaxation and meditation exercises. The goal of the app is to break the daily thought cycle that causes the root of most stress. If you are going to use this app use it for the long term!


Stop, Breathe, and Think


What it’s for: Stress

What it does: Teaches you how to meditate just a couple minutes a day! It’s important to stop and be aware of yourself every day; this app can help you remember to stop, breathe, and think. It checks in with you and recommends different meditations depending on your mood and level of commitment.


PTSD Coach


What it’s for: PTSD (although the app store claims it’s for veterans it works for all types of PTSD)

What it does: It provides education, information about help in the area, self-assessments, and progress check-ins. The app also provides tools that vary based on the needs of the individual.




What it’s for: Depression or Bipolar Disorder 

What it does: Helps you chart your moods in order to develop and use health strategies. It focuses heavily on finding your triggers and noticing the early signs of decline and how to counteract to keep yourself healthy.


Smiling Mind


What it’s for: Stress

What it does: It’s another great meditation app (I know I have a ton of these on the list but trust me when I tell you they’re super helpful). The goal of these guided meditations that separates it from the others, is to put a ‘smile on your mind’ rather than focusing on the bad things in life. It’s a happy meditation app!


Self-Help for Anxiety Management


What it’s for: Anxiety

What it does: It’s a self-monitoring anxiety app with beautiful graphics. There are many self-help options including information about anxiety, physical relaxation, mental relaxation, and health. There’s a lot of guidance in this app so it’s perfect for someone who needs something more hands on. There is also a closed social network of app users so you can support each other.




What it’s for: Stress (and Fun)

What it does: It’s a relaxing coloring book for your phone! It’s super enjoyable and allows you to escape whatever is going on around you.




What it’s for: Depression

What it does: Based on your moods and what’s going on in your life happify has different programs targeted towards specific goals. It also has fun games geared towards positive thinking and appreciation. What I really enjoyed about this app was the thankfulness aspect, it asks you to name one thing you’re thankful for every day.

Personal Zen


What it’s for: Stress

What it does: This is kinda a goofy app! It’s mostly a game but it really does allow you to calm down and focus on the good and growing in your life.


Plant Nanny


What it’s for: Hydration!

What it does: Based on your exercise, weight, and other things it calculates how much water you should be drinking a day. Each time you log a glass or bottle of water you also get to water your own plant! The plant grows along with you and sends you notifications when your plant is sad or dying (aka you need to be drinking more water)



What it’s for: Leading a Healthier Life

What it does: the YOU-app is focused on microsteps in recovery or task management. The goal of the app is to not focus on drastic changes but rather do little steps and goals while the app tracks your progress. You will be happily surprised to see how much you can accomplish through little steps.



What it’s for: Stress and General Mental Illness

What it does: Superbetter is another gameish app that focuses on mental health. It requires ten minutes a day and helps with personal growth and real-life problem solving.


I hope that some of you try these apps and enjoy them as much as I have! I would love feedback and happy stories on any and all of them.

Stay safe and healthy my friends.

Class of '17, chemistry major, religion minor. Attitude like Kanye, feelings like Drake.