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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

Have you found yourself often stressing without knowing why? Feeling sad but you cannot pinpoint the source? This is all because your subconscious is constantly collecting thoughts and processing information you aren’t even aware of. If you suffer from anxiety you can understand how frustrating it is to lose control of your own mind.

The key to being one with your body is mindfulness.

What is mindfulness and how to obtain it?

“Developing greater awareness can open us to seeing how the mind becomes entangled in and blinded by its own liking and disliking, pursuing and rejecting when we try to maximize our happiness.” http://mbct.com/about/can-i-learn-mindfulness-if-i-have-not-been-clinically-depressed/


Mindfulness is a method of connecting your mind with your body and soul. It is a practice used to alleviate depression, anxiety, and pain.

We live in an era where we feel like we are present in the moment but pay little attention to how we go about our lives. With technology playing such a significant role in our lives, we give no time to truly break down our own walls and get to know what they are made of. Being in a relaxed state of mind makes being happy, motivated, and inspired so much easier.


1. Focus on your breathing

If you see yourself getting overwhelmed, just breathe. sounds super cliche but it actually works. I cannot stress it enough how important it is to have control of your mind. This begins with a simple breathing exercise. It can help with blood pressure, improving heart rate, which later relaxes the body’s flight or fight response reducing stress. Sit in a position that is most comfortable to you for only a few minutes. (Could be in class, your car, literally anywhere that you will feel at ease)



*a quick little trick: get your right hand and hold your thumb over your right nostril, inhale slowly through the left nostril and hold it for 5 seconds. then release your thumb and place your pinkie on your left nostril while exhaling. after your done, inhale through your right nostril, and slowly exhale.

Benefits: happiness, deeper sleep, less anxiety, healthier heart+lungs


2. Meditation

Not all of us have time to mediate. I know I don’t. I always have to keep myself busy if not I will go insane. However, what will also drive me insane is not cooling off after a long day. Meditation can last however long you find effective. Five to ten minutes a day is more than enough to train your mind to remain focus and energized. If you are drifting off while you mediate, that just gives you an idea of what is truly going on in your mind.

Look for videos or soothing music that can help you concentrate on your breathing. There are methods EVERYWHERE. Look for one that best suits you.

(Best meditation is SLEEP)  


3. Walks

Taking a quick walk to decompress your mind can go a long way. A Japanese study found a link between the chemicals (phytoncides) released by trees that lower levels of stress. Enjoy good old mother nature!


4. Turn it off

Drift away from using technology so much and start engaging with your surroundings. This will make you feel more present in the moment.


This one is my little addition to mindfulness:

5. Making a morning routine

How I spend my mornings before I begin my day defines and sets the tone for the rest of it. I like to wake up and immediately put my phone on do not disturb. My notifications drive me insane so it’s best to just ignore it for a little bit. I go and wash my face with cold water to wake myself up while a cup of coffee is brewing. Extremely simple yet effective for me to begin a calm day. What will your morning routine be?


6. Do things that make you happy

Whether it’s listening to music, writing, dancing, or whatever makes you happy, do it. Hang around people who lift you up and make sure you remain lifted. Happiness and tranquility go hand in hand and without one it will be tough to have the other.


Focus on yourself and make YOU your biggest priority. Mindfulness is an art. It is an exercise to achieve a state of mind where you feel stillness and freedom. Breathe, relax, and stay humble in your surroundings. 


xoxo, N