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Why you need to start lifting weights!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

We all are, or have been at some point in our lives, guilty of going to the gym only because we feel like we have to, and spending a dull half an hour on the running machine, too scared to lift weights as we don’t want to be bulky. But the good news is that working out doesn’t have to be like this! Once you have the confidence and the drive to start weight lifting, hitting the gym will become much more enjoyable. Here’s 3 reasons why you need to start lifting weights



1. It’ll make you look good


Contrary to popular belief, lifting weights will not make you look bulky. As women we naturally have less testosterone, so it would take a crazy amount of hard work and a very strict diet to get a bulky look. Mixed with a healthy, balanced diet and a variety of training exercises, lifting weights can give you a gorgeously curvy figure. For example, working the back and glute muscles can give the illusion of a smaller looking waist.


2. It makes exercising way more fun


There is soooo much you can do with weights! There are a billion and one exercises you can do for each and every muscle group to target them in different ways, as well as a range of different training techniques and cycles. Alternating different types of weight training will make your workouts much more interesting, and therefore will motivate you to hit the gym more.


3. It feels like you’ve achieved something


Lifting a heavy weight will make you strong! You will notice the difference in your strength just when completing everyday tasks, which will give you a massive sense of self-achievement. Weight training is often based around setting short and mid-term goals, and when these goals are reached you will only want to carry on and achieve some more. So, picking up the weights is likely to make you a happier and more motivated individual.


what are you waiting for? Pick up those weights girl, and turn yourself into the best possible version of YOU!

I am a second year student studying Politics with Sociology at the University of Exeter. I have a passion for exercise, fitness, and writing.