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Get To Know 2 Yoginis And How Yoga Improves Health And Mind

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Yoga is getting more and more popular. Even gyms are hiring yoga teachers and starting yoga classes and courses nowadays. But there are still a lot of questions about this technique, so I, in the name of Her Campus Cásper Líbero, interviewed two Yoginis to explain more about this beautiful body and mind activity, and to get to know these amazing  Yoga Masters.

woman in black swimsuit meditating
Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

The first Yogini I interviewed was Anita Carvalho, she started practicing yoga in 2000 and hasn’t stopped since. She teaches at Yoga Flow and Purucha, two different yoga schools in São Paulo. This was our conversation: 

HC: Hi Anita, thank you for your time, so let’s start. What benefits has yoga brought to your body and mental health?

Anita: Yoga has allowed my body to be more flexible and more healthy in general, but mental health was essential because it brought me a lot of mature thinking and control of my own mind. Yoga gives you the ability to control your emotions, guiding you to an easier life and more practical as well. It’s the philosophy of a new point of view in life.

HC: What are the most notable features with those who practice yoga?

A: They become more strong, literally, and you can actually notice how they don’t get that sick because of your stronger immunity.

HC: And last but not least, can Yoga be considered a mental illness treatment? Like for example for those who suffer from anxiety or depression?

A: Yes, as I said earlier, it helps you with your mental health, as you practice yoga and get more involved with it. It deals directly to your emotions, it’s actually really common for people who take antidepressant pills to stop taking them after they start practicing yoga.

After having this great conversation with Anita, I called another great Yogini, Marina Linhares. Marina started practicing yoga six years before she took a professional yoga curse and started teaching. Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, Marina teaches via online classes. 

HC: What are your favorite things about yoga?

Marina: I love the mental health care that it provides, and that it collabs with meditation, you get more involved with your body as it moves. But more precisely, i love the way you get to know yourself more.

HC: What does yoga bring scientifically to a human life?

M: Yoga deals with different types of practicalities, such as breathing exercises, stretching exercises, so your body handles your day better, it gives you more ability and energy during the day, and also for those who sing the Mantra, provides a better singing cords.

HC: You already explained a little bit about meditation, can you give us more details?

M: Yoga is the control of the movements with the mind and consequently with the body, but it uses meditation with it as guidance. As you move your body, meditation is there to help you concentrate with what is in and around you.

HC: This conversation is so interesting, unfortunately this is the last question. Can Yoga be considered a sport?

M: If you analyze the physical involvement, with the body movements and stretching, yes it is, but seeing with a philosophical point of view, it is not considered a sport, although you get rough muscle pain.

person doing yoga exercises
Patrick Hendry/Unsplash

This was such an amazing experience! Getting to know these two women made us get to know more about this practice. And, as we learn the details, we definitely want to start doing yoga and have a much easier and light-headed life after all the daily stress, that’s all we need. And deserve! So, why not grab your mat?



The article above was edited by Laura Enchioglo

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Sophia Souza

Casper Libero '24

My name is sophia da Mota souza, i am 19, and from Brazil!