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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Carleton chapter.

Does just the thought of going to the gym make you break out in a sweat? I used to feel so panicked about going to the gym, mostly because I hated the thought of people watching me work out. If you feel uncomfortable going to the gym, here are my tips for making it a little more manageable! 

Boost Your Confidence

Whenever I’m nervous, it always helps to give myself something to look forward to. Why not prep a good playlist to listen to or plan out a great gym outfit? As long as I plan out what I’ll wear or listen to, I feel ready to take on the workout, no matter how I feel that day. If you can add a little excitement to your workout, you may find yourself more ready to go. 

Visit on Off-Peak Times

This one takes a bit of practice. When I first started going to my gym, I went at any time of the day and hoped it wouldn’t be busy. Try visiting several times throughout the day and see what the peak times are for your gym — it might be early mornings and late afternoons when people aren’t at work. My gym gets particularly busy in the evening, so that’s when I tend to avoid going. If you’d rather work out around fewer people, try to find a time that suits you best!

Working out in New Ways

The gym isn’t the only way to work out, and if you hate going, try something new! There are tons of ways to trick your brain into working out: go on a walk or bike ride with a friend, try axe throwing, or go bouldering! While all of these will get your heart pumping, they’re also a lot of fun. Any kind of movement is good for the body and it doesn’t just have to be running on a treadmill!

Take a Friend

If it’s easier to start working out with someone else, bring a friend! Make use of your Carleton gym passes or buy passes at your local gym. Not everyone enjoys working out with other people, but it’s always helpful to see a friendly face when you’re nervous. If your friend has more gym experience than you, take advantage and ask them to show you the ropes! If you’re starting off together, someone else knows exactly how you feel. 

Most importantly, remember that no one is looking at you! Whether you’re a gym rat or taking your first steps into fitness, everyone’s journey is valid. The best part about working out is that it’s all about personal progress, and no one is a direct comparison to you. If you make mistakes, just know everyone else has as well. It’s not about being perfect, as long as you’re trying. So start your journey and lace up your sneakers- every step counts!

Cassandra is a fourth year Communications and Media Studies student at Carleton University. She's a fan of rollerskating, personality tests (she's an ENFJ!), and visiting new coffee shops around Ottawa!