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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

College life can get overwhelming if you let it, especially during these last remaining weeks of spring semester. As we approach finals, it’s important to take care of your wellbeing and overall health. 

To help you succeed, here’s your ultimate guide to self-care strategies for college students! 

Prioritize sleep

No test is important enough to lose sleep over! Make sure you are getting seven to nine hours of rest each night, even if it means leaving work for the next day.

Create a relaxing bedtime routine that is calming and prepares you for a good night’s sleep. Light a candle as you do your skincare routine, journal, read, or do some meditating. Whatever makes you sleepy will help!

Take Breaks

Know your limits and recognize when you need to take a break. Working hard is essential to do well in school, but it’s equally important to listen to your mind and give it the rest it deserves from all that studying! A good way to do this is by setting interval timers so you have a planned break even before you start studying.

Something that works for me is studying for one hour, then taking a 15-20 minute break. During your rest time, listen to some music, take a quick walk, talk to friends, or enjoy one of your hobbies!

Avoiding burn out will help make your studying way easier and much more productive, and you’ll end up doing better on your exams.

Connect With Others

Finals season does not have to equal lonely season. Find a friend in your class and study together! I find that I’m even more productive when I study with someone else and we help each other out. It makes studying fun (as much as it can be), and sharing the experience always makes it better!  

Stick to Healthy Habits

Staying healthy is hard enough in college, and finals can make it much more difficult. Make sure you plan ahead and separate time for exercising. Get moving by taking a walk, going to a fitness class with friends, or simply hitting the gym. You can always spare an hour to exercise, or at least squeeze 20 minutes of movement into your day!

Eating healthy is also hard, especially when you’re spending long hours in the same study spot, but you can look for healthy options. Try snacking on fruits, avoid takeout, and make sure you’re getting your protein. Food is fuel for your brain! 

Remember that self-care isn’t selfish, so Stay zen this finals season!

Camila Yanez is a new writer at Her Campus Boston University chapter. She enjoys writing about entertainment, lifestyle, books, music and fashion. She also likes sharing recommendations and reviewing everything from cute cafes to new movies and upcoming series. Beyond Her Campus, she has written for her school's newspaper and supported as an editor as well. She likes participating in community service activities, especially if they are related to the environment. She is currently a freshman studying Business Administration with a double minor in Psychology and Biology. In her free time, Camila enjoys reading romance and historic fiction books, trying new restaurants and running alongside the Charles River. She loves having chill nights with friends and likes outdoor activities on the weekends.