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4 Resolutions for 2025 to Inspire Growth Beyond Health and Fitness

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brown chapter.

The post New Years Eve rush to the gym is synonymous with January. All of the sudden, the smoothie bar is bustling and local stores cannot maintain their supply of carrots to meet the increased demand for this essential healthy juice ingredient. 

While the wellness-focused resolutions for the new year can be inspiring and sustainable for some, I think it is also useful to approach the new year by evaluating your goals for creativity, relationships, new habits and hobbies. As such, here are four categories of resolutions that are *completely* unrelated to wellness, nutrition and exercise. 

  1. Creative Passion: Creativeness can inherently assume any sort of form. Beyond visual art and learning a new instrument, the process of journaling, creating a photo album, collecting your favorite recipes in a book, or jewelry-making all increase your creativity.
  2. Volunteering: There are SO many ways to give of your time in any environment and city. Based on your stage of life, availability, and primary focus, there is someone or something in need of your time and attention. Whether it be asking a classmate in need to get lunch or serving food to broader community members who are experiencing homelessness, the impact of one hour of your time can be exponential to the recipient. Within Providence, there are so many organizations off-campus that contribute positively and can always use additional resources and support from Brown students.
  3. Outdoor Activities: I recently watched a Nature Valley advertisement that we spend 93% of our time indoors. The frigidity of January does not often lend itself to very many enjoyable outdoors activities; however, prioritizing a short walk outside with a friend or a ski day near Brown’s campus. Choosing to increase your time spent outside can have significantly positive (shh health!) benefits. Since so much of our life is spent inside, by simply focusing on moving indoor activities outside – such as  reading a book or calling a family or friend from home outside – you will seamlessly find yourself gaining sunlight. 
  4. Decluttering: This extends beyond the typical clean your room, kitchen, and car advice. To truly declutter in 2025 means cleaning your 10,000+ camera roll, email inbox, basket of old “going out” tops and workout clothes, makeup and toiletries cabinet, and already read novels. Start small and work your way through your technology, bedroom, school supplies, personal hygiene products, and different rooms. 
Maggie Seidel is the President of the Her Campus at Brown chapter. In this role, she oversees and recruits new members and writers, serves as a liaison between the chapter and Brown University, manages the calendar, editorial process, and brand partnerships, leads weekly meetings and outreach, and contributes written and visual content. Maggie studies International & Public Affairs and Entrepreneurship, and she is a current junior. She is also part of Brown University's Women in Business leadership, a teaching assistant for an entrepreneurship class at Brown, a member of Kappa Delta sorority, and writing an honors thesis. Her Campus is Maggie's place of happy. She also loves to play tennis, celebrate holidays of any and all kinds, curate new Pinterest boards, and sip iced coffee.