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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Aberdeen chapter.

Since my first year at uni, I have hidden a small box under my bed. Many a drunken student have found the box hidden beneath my mattress hilariously mysterious but, unfortunately for them, there is no mystery. Instead, it is a box innumerable in value: my self-care kit. There is something so comforting, despite the many stereotypes of self-care, to know that if I am having a shitty day, I have a little emergency kit of all the essentials to wind down, stop my brain running 1000 miles a minute, and to relax. Here are some of the things I keep stocked in my little box of relaxation.  


Face Mask 

This may be one of the more basic things on this list, but I stand by the fact that it is an important one. I love skincare, but my routine is one of the first things to disappear when my brain gets overwhelmed. Therefore, I see the ritual of applying a facemask as an important reset for my brain. When the skin on my face is taken care of, I feel more able to take on the world.  


Nail Varnish 

I forever long to be a human who always has a pretty colour painted on their fingernails but, while I try, along with my skincare it is one of the first things I skip when I don’t feel too great. I am also a habitual nervous nail-biter, so on days where I feel like I need to chill out, painting my nails feels like a relaxing and therapeutic reset.  


Journaling Supplies 

I am a serial journaler, I write everything down, I like to make things look pretty and plan out my days with military precision, but I also have a particular journal that sees none of the aesthetics – my gratitude journals. There is nothing I find more enjoyable than getting everything out on paper, never to think about again.  


A Snack 

Some people would suggest this be something boringly healthy, like an apple or granola bar – I wholly disagree. While getting your 5-a-day is an essential part of life, on days when I need to get the self-care box out, I refuse to overthink or stress about what I am eating. If you want the piece of fruit, EAT THE FRUIT, but the food in here could be anything. My go-to is almond butter and Oreos (it’s the best combo trust me).  


Helpful Reminders 

It may sound cheesy, but seeing as I write body positive mantras on every mirror in my home, I thought it necessary to include. I have a couple of revision card-esque pieces of paper in my box with some of my favourite quotes that always aid in clearing the fog from my mind. It may seem redundant to write such memos for yourself (even I felt a bit naff writing them out), but I do find them helpful as little reminders that everything will work out. 


Some Nice Memories 

In a similar vein, I like to keep a few polaroids, ticket stubs, and other little trinkets that remind me of family, friends, my dog, and some banging nights out (rip Para).  


Favourite Blanket 

When I left for my third year at university my mum gave me a blanket she had made from scratch. It is the cosiest thing I have ever experienced, and while I sleep with it most nights, I like to make sure whenever the box gets opened, the blanket is there. Nothing screams Tumblr-Lush-bath-bomb-self-care than a nap in a homemade blanket filled with sentimentality.    


Favourite Book 

As a kid, it would have been difficult to ever catch my attention because my head and heart would be clutching at the storyline of the book I was reading. I was OBSESSED with Harry Potter, Nancy Drew, and Twilight in my early teens. There was nothing anyone could do to make me put a book down. Over time I lost that love for literature, but in the last year I have been taking more time to read, and more importantly, read for enjoyment. Throughout both school and university, I have read A LOT of material, but most of it was compulsory for classes, or necessary for essays and assignments. So, to have a book tucked away, one I know I love, for days where I need a break from the Harvard referenced sources, is an incredibly calming force in my life. 


Funky Socks 

This might be specific to me, however there is nothing that brings me more joy than coming home after a long day at uni, or on placement with a bunch of screaming and hyperactive 8-year-olds, having a shower, getting the jammies on, and throwing on some funky comfy socks (or my sequined lobster slippers, they also deserve a mention).  

The bottom line is, it doesn’t really matter what goes in a self-care package or box, what I enjoy might make other people screw their faces up in disgust and that’s okay. If anything, this article’s main purpose is to let people know that self-care boxes are a thing! And they help sometimes! 

Iona Hancock

Aberdeen '22

PGDE Primary 21/22 @ Aberdeen 1st Class Honours in Politics and IR @ Aberdeen