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Fiona Dunkel

Manhattan '26

Hi, I'm Fiona! I am a Psychology major and a hopeful future Psychiatrist. I am an undergrad at Manhattan College from Albany, NY. I live with my parents, a little sister named Charlotte, and a dog named Cassie. I am an avid crime show watcher and romance reader. I LOVE coffee and going to little cafes around the city to try out different drinks.
I used to play very competitive soccer but stopped due to injury and now my hobbies include spending money on very expensive skincare products and buying overpriced iced lattes. I hope to study abroad within the next two years to be able to broaden my view of the world and learn more about different cultures! My dream is to go to Spain and watch a professional soccer game.
My passion for writing started when I was in 3rd grade. I was constantly reading books of all genres and lengths and I wondered if I could write my own. I wrote little songs and mystery "novels," short stories, and poems whenever I could. In the sixth grade, I was recognized for my efforts and one of my poems was to be in a gallery at a nearby college. It jumpstarted my love for writing and ever since then I have constantly written down my thoughts, as well as written and published a book for my English class which was very exciting! I love writing about just about anything, especially when it comes to female empowerment and things I am interested in!