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Lose the Freshman 15: New Balance and ZICO and Cooking, Oh My!


Happy Saturday! Today’s blog post comes to you in the form of a list (a minor obsession of mine)—in particular, a list of things that I am super pumped about on this fine Saturday afternoon.

1. I’m six days into the program, which means I’m almost over the first week slump!

I may have been super gung-ho about the Drop 10 Diet from the beginning, but that didn’t mean that I had my stuff together. The last five days, I’ve been floundering to fit everything into my day. Do I have all the ingredients for this recipe? Am I going to be too exhausted for an after-work workout? Do I have to go shopping again? Does running to the subway in heels count as my cardio for the day? The list of concerns went on.

But almost a week into the program, I’m starting to get my sea legs and am dedicated to stick to the diet in earnest! I have learned, as I talked about Thursday, that modification is key for a girl on the go, but so is trying to do as much as you can.

That means (gasp) that I’ve started cooking. Given that my specialty is S–t In A Pan (recipe: refrigerator plus stove), this has been a big step for me.

Last night, my roommate and I tried the Spaghetti Squash With Turkey Meatballs. We had a few minor mishaps. We got the wrong kind of squash (I’m no squash connoisseur). We forgot to thaw the turkey. We started the recipe with only a half hour to spare before we had friends over. The list of stupid cooking mistakes goes on—but hey, we eventually got something edible!

2. I got goodies!

Yesterday, I got boxes on boxes of goodies from our sponsors New Balance and ZICO, so not only do I now have some incredible new workout gear, but I also have tons of coconut water to keep me hydrated after I get my sweat on. I haven’t had a chance to break my new swag in, but you better believe that I’m going to be rocking it on my run in Central Park tomorrow. The day before my package arrived, I’d been wondering where I was going to keep my key and subway pass when I ventured out to run, and viola!, the next day, some amazing running tights with a sneaky waist pocket shows up on my door step. Excellent.

3. The Lose the Freshman 15 DietBet starts in 3 days!

Not only that, but the pot is at $1,280. If that’s not incentive to join (and then kick some major weight loss booty using the Drop 10 Diet), then I don’t know what is. Join here!

4. Did I mention it’s Saturday? No further comment needed! I’m off to enjoy the sun and the city, but make sure to comment with any suggestions, questions or (realistically) if you’re jealous of my new swag and want to know more about it. Happy fitness-ing, guys!

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Anna Borges

Northwestern '14
