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Workplace Anxiety Sucks, But These Affirmations Can Help

Anyone who knows me, knows I’m a girl who can definitely get a little bit anxious, especially in the workplace. Whether you are waiting tables, starting your first job post-grad, or in the middle of an internship, anxiety at work is never fun. And as someone who worries about well, everything, it’s unavoidable sometimes. My secret to peace and confidence? Affirmations, of course! Saying these phrases to yourself in the mirror, jotting them down in your planner, or leaving them on sticky notes in your cubicle can definitely help you get through the day.

Affirmations let you hear or read the little reminders you need most, putting positivity into action in your life. As twenty-somethings, whether you are in college or your post-grad era, work is often a place where you feel surrounded by people who are more accomplished than you. But don’t let the imposter syndrome fool you, you deserve to be where you are. So let this be your sign to give yourself a little grace, a little extra love, and a whole lot of affirmations to get through the day, because you deserve it. Here are 40 affirmations for anxiety at work. Take a deep breath, bestie — you got this!

I am grateful for the opportunity to work. 

A little gratitude never hurt anybody. 

I belong in every room I am invited into

No imposter syndrome here. 

I bring positivity into my workplace. 

Replace any anxiety with joy to have this opportunity. 

I am a magnet for new opportunities. 

You deserve the most. 

Networking comes naturally to me. 

Social anxiety shouldn’t ruin opportunities to grow. 

I give myself permission to take breaks. 

Giving yourself the grace to feel every emotion makes overcoming them easier. 

My coworkers value me as a team member and a person. 

RBF who?

I accept the challenges ahead of me at my workplace, and I know I have the strength to overcome them.

Challenges just make you stronger. 

My work excites me and I am joyful to do these tasks. 

Everything feels easier when you do it with joy. 

I am skilled at finding the good part in every situation – even at work.

Add “Queen Of Problem-Solving” to your resume, TBH. 

Today, I choose to see my workplace relationships in a positive light.

Even your least favorite coworker is teaching you something. 

 I am a valuable member of my team, contributing my unique strengths to our collective success.

The team wouldn’t run the way it does without you

I know that at the end of the day, I’m in charge of my happiness and no one can take away my inner peace.

Again, we are not letting annoying coworkers ruin our vibes. 

I choose to focus on being grateful even when my boss doesn’t value my work.

Sometimes your boss doesn’t recognize how hard you work, but that doesn’t diminish your contributions.  

I know that I will find success in my career because I am working hard towards it.

Even if you are working towards your career outside of your current job, you are working hard – good job. 

People in my current job support my growth as a person and for my career.

Lean on those coworkers who are also besties. 

I trust my intuition with the steps I need to take for career development.

Your gut knows so much. 

Free of anxiety, I embrace each challenge.

And come out as a stronger employee. 

 I have navigated more stressful situations than this and will navigate my way through this one as well.

You can do literally anything. 

I set clear goals and work diligently to achieve them. 

And no matter how daunting you will accomplish everything. 

I am in control of my time and priorities, effectively balancing my work and personal life.

A work-life balance is so important for your joy. 

I am an organized person and it makes me a better employee. 

In Google Calendar we trust. 

It is okay to make mistakes. Every misstep is a learning opportunity.

Learning makes you a better employee. 

I choose empathy and maintain my composure.

Let’s not flip at our coworkers, even when they make us nuts. 

 I am ready for this next step in my career and excited to learn as much as possible.

Might be time to do something new, even if it’s a little scary. 

Delegation isn’t failure. 

Trust your team! 

Asking for help creates room to grow and learn, it’s not a sign of failure. 

Don’t let fear hold you back. 

I deserve to be happy and successful. 

Yes, you do. 

Stress and work pressure have no place in my life.

Push them out. 

I am talented enough to complete the work on time.

And you will. 

My past cannot prevent me from succeeding now or in the future.

You always have the opportunity to make yourself better. 

I recognize that I’m done with the burnout feeling, and it’s time to make some changes in my life.

No job is worth burning out. 

I have such high-quality information to share and I can’t wait for people to hear it.

You will slay any presentation you have. 

I’m worthy of recognition for my hard work.

And you will be recognized. 

I am comfortable saying ‘no’ in order to prioritize myself and those most important to me.

“No” is a full sentence. Don’t forget. 

I release all tension and welcome tranquility.

Inhale, exhale, you got this. 

My creativity flows effortlessly, enabling me to find innovative solutions to any problem.

Sometimes a little creativity is all it takes. 

My job does not define my worth or who I am.

Only you define who you are. 

It is okay to set boundaries when dealing with difficult individuals.

Draw those lines!

I give myself permission to take breaks. 

Don’t forget to stop working to eat, feel the sunshine, or recharge during the day. 

And no matter what, don’t doubt yourself. You got this job for a reason, and you are good at what you do. 

Julia is a national writer for Her Campus. While she writes for all verticals, her focus is the wellness section, bringing you everything you need to know about relationships, astrology, and the best ways to get down and dirty. Julia is a recent grad of Stony Brook University, where she studied journalism with a minor in women's studies. During her time at SBU, she was a VS PINK campus rep, and an active member of Her Campus @ SBU. When she isn't writing, you can find Julia reading a smutty romance novel, hitting up her local crystal shop, or thrifting with an iced oat milk latte in hand. She's a Capricorn (but you probably already knew that) and a practicing yogi.