if you are having a hard time with your graduate school applications, this is the article for you!
Not mentioned: Their grad caps are so cute!
During your senior year of college, and basically every other year of college, you will constantly be asked what your plans are for graduation. I gave the usual “I...
A fun take on navigating post-graduate life, specifically for students wanting to pursue a graduate degree.
Bella shares her story on why she decided to take a year off before applying to graduate school through reflection on self discovery and rejecting common postgrad expectations.
University life can be described in two simple words, a balancing act. While graduate school may seem daunting, it’s a unique experience that’s significantly rewarding nonetheless. Having successfully completed...
Here we are. All I have to ask is, how did we get here? As I start my last semester of college, I reflect on the experiences that brought...
Interview with Danielle Manning with her insight on college and some advice on how she made it through college.
The hardest part of the application, TBH.
Here are the five best pieces of advice I would give to potential test-takers who are looking to start their LSAT journey!