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Articles Tagged With: BC Exercise
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Get Fit Off Campus

I think we can all agree that BC is one of the healthiest college campuses in the country. The Plex is packed no matter what time of day,...

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Stay Fit While Studying

Free time is incredibly hard to come during this time of year. Having three exams, two papers, a problem set, and a group project all due...

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Four Weeks Without Exercise

Due to a recent back and shoulder injury, I was told by my doctors to refrain from exercising to let it heal for four weeks. Not being able...

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Spring Break Quick Fixes

Spring Break is a very welcome break from school. All the snow days and study-intensive parts of our classes are starting to gear up. What...

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Can Sitting Actually Kill You?

Recently I was perusing my Facebook feed and stumbled across an article from the New York Times (I "liked" them on Facebook) about a...

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How to Cure Plex-Induced Anxiety

After coming out on the other side of exams last semester, I realized that I had spent almost no time exercising in the four months of the...

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Spinning ON the Pounds

Yes, you read that correctly: spinning class may actually be making you gain weight. Despite the fact that BC’s spinning classes are...