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Step Up Your Spring Fitness Fashion with Fabletics

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

Sun’s out, guns out. Yes, it’s April, and yes it’s time to update your fitness wardrobe. Finally we can go to the Plex without being covered head to toe in ugly sweats and large jackets, and show some skin without fear of frostbite. What better way to celebrate this beautiful transition than with a cute new workout outfit? Yes, we all know and love our go-to Lululemon, but with my impending graduation and entrance into the so-called “real world,” I have begun looking for less expensive alternatives that allow me to feed my obsession with gym attire without breaking the bank.

Then I found Fabletics—an online company co-founded by Kate Hudson. It brings the personalized technology that has permeated our lives to athletic wear, and the result is fitness fabulousness. Thanks to Fabletics I can now receive a package every month of a workout outfit that is perfect for me, and that is a beautiful thing.

All it takes is a two-minute “lifestyle quiz” that asks the essentials and you’re well on your way to a new gym look. Questions include “What’s your favorite way to sweat?” and “Where do you love to get fit?” as well as “What colors get you groovin?” and “Which best mirrors your body type?” to which you can respond with one of their suggested answers or one that encompasses all of the choices like “I like to mix it up.”  My personal favorite asks you to fill in the blank for: “I absolutely love showing off my ______”.

The best part about this lifestyle quiz? It made me so excited to go work out. The questions focused on the positives associated with exercise rather than the negative emotions that can easily dominate how we think about working out if we aren’t careful. They recognize that exercising is supposed to be fun and make you feel fit and great rather than be a painful experience that makes you feel worse about the way you look. Choosing an outfit to wear to get fit should resemble that fun! Everyone has something fabulous about them that deserves to be shown off during a workout—after all, you’re working hard and you deserve the recognition! Fabletics didn’t make me feel like I shouldn’t wear their clothes because I’m not a size 0, and they let me proudly choose “I’m one of a kind!” when I didn’t think my body type fit in one of the categories they gave.

The excitement continues when the outfits based on your personal fitness style are generated. You can also shop their different collections and individual pieces if you don’t like any of the outfits that are picked for you. The collections change every month, but currently they include:

Kate’s picks—the outfits that Kate Hudson considers her “musts”

Graphic Impact—a collection of cool graphic patterns paired with basics

Breaking the pattern—a collection to incorporate a pop of color in each outfit

The Tee Shop—casual tees that can be worn during exercise or for a cute everyday outfit

Not only are the outfits cute, put together, and functional for whatever it is you do the most for exercise, they’re actually affordable! They have two options: you can either be a member or a VIP member, both of which are totally free. For both, you get your first outfit at the unheard-of discount of 50% off and free shipping.  If you decide that you’re probably going to want a new outfit every month, you can sign up for the VIP membership and they’ll send you personalized outfits to choose from on the first of every month and you can either opt to buy or if you don’t find anything you like you can skip the month.

You may ask, how is this possible? Personalized, affordable, good quality, and full of style? It seems too good to be true, but believe it or not, there’s no catch. Trust me, I looked. And the website explains the entire process that makes it easy to understand.  

So, if you’re like me and sometimes need the motivation of a cute new outfit to push you to give your all during that next spin, yoga, or BC-X class, then you should definitely check out Fabletics—I guarantee happiness, excitement, and a sudden desire to wear workout clothes literally all the time. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.


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Meghan Gibbons is a double major in Communications and Political Science in her senior year at Boston College. Although originally from New Jersey, she is a huge fan of all Boston sports! Along with her at Boston College is her identical twin, who she always enjoys playing twin pranks with. Meghan is a huge foodie, book worm and beach bum