Chasing free time, or having it? Being a college student comes with freedom and restraint, and free time gets caught in the crossfire. This is how I make it...
I have a confession to make… I may or may not be 25 and I may or may not have a driver’s license still. Now, if your first reaction...
How to deal with those *uncomfortable* roommate conversations…
While I am only 21 and still learning about this navigation into adulthood, here are five books that have validated my feelings of entering the real world, brought up...
Nine lessons my time as an undergrad taught me.
Growing up is scary, here's how I'm learning to celebrate it versus avoid it.
I read 'Icebreaker,' it was so good I had to read 'Wildfire' too
While getting older may seem daunting, there are many things to look forward to about your twenties.
Is there something you would say to your younger self? Here are some responses from strangers.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at West Chester chapter.Over the past few years, my boyfriend and I have revisited some of our...