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Your Time Will Come to Shine Again: Five Stages of Grief After Loss

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at York U chapter.

Emotions! They are the strongest elements of connection between people. We make love, create memories, and build understanding to make bonds stronger over time. Feeling emotions around people keeps us motivated and cheerful. But inevitably, life is filled with twists and turns. Those beautiful emotions might fade out like a dream at any time. The aroma of those flowers might die at any moment, and it can happen when you least expect it. And those situations will always put you in agony.

Losing our loved ones is always painful. Lots of thoughts in our head, tears dropping from our eyes, internal screaming from our heart for justice. We search for that feeling of contentment again. No light flashes in our path as we fall into complete darkness. And our life pauses at that moment. It’s really difficult to go through that dark phase, but we need to remember that we can overcome those phases and the time will definitely come for us to shine again. 

The moon goes through the phase of darkness every time, and it slowly takes its own time by each stage to shine brighter in the sky again. Similarly, we pass through five stages of grief to overcome the darkness to shine again. These have been classified as Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance.

Denial is the first stage of grief, where it would be difficult to process the reality of what has just happened. Everything becomes blank in your mind and you may fall into complete darkness. Our emotions will be at an extreme level and there will be a war of thoughts between our physical and mental body. 

As time goes, we slowly move to the next stage, Anger. This is where we show our emotion and take the first step towards healing. It connects us to the loss we faced and comes out as bitterness or resentment. 

Bargaining is the next stage, where we get lost in the maze of “if only’ or “what if” statements. Our faults and guilt will come out as an emotion at this stage. Flashes from past memories hit our head and will be in a bewildered state. 

The Depression stage lasts for months, where you feel helpless and prefer to be lonely. We try to isolate ourselves and feel meaningless about surviving. It might be a challenging phase, but an important phase to process your pain and shine back again.

And the last stage is Acceptance, where we accept reality and try to move on in our life. It feels like a relief after battling a huge storm. Hopes and confidence will restore in ourselves and our life will brighten up as we move on. 

Grief is a really painful reality, but remember, it’s gonna be fine! Millions of tears may have dropped to the ground, but remember, life moves on, and mother earth will sprout flowers all around us again.

Nakul Sethuram Ramjee is a writer at the Her Campus at York University. He loves to share related to Astronomy, music, movies and some mind-blowing facts on this site. Beyond Her Campus, Nakul is pursuing his undergrad in Physics and Astronomy at York University. He's an international student in Canada, originally from India. He is also a volunteer at the Allan I. Carswell Observatory at York University campus, where he operates telescopes and hosts public tours. In his free time, he loves to do star gazing with his mini telescope, listen to music, watch movies and of course, write.