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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Washington chapter.

    Midterm season is here, and it is easy to get caught up in your classes, and forget to take care of yourself. Your mental health should always be a priority, and you cannot let your classes change that. Oftentimes we lose ourselves in our studies, and let our mental health slip through the cracks. Online school is difficult, and Zoom fatigue is real. I have compiled some tips that will help you support your mental health this midterm season.     

    The biggest tip, that I cannot stress enough, is do not study or do classes from your bed. Your bed should just be for sleeping and Netflix. As difficult as this sounds, it is important for your brain to associate your bed with relaxation, and not school. It is important to create a separate study space where you can comfortably work on school, that is different from your relaxation space. You should create a study space that is organized, and also makes you happy. Consider decorating the area with pictures or other decor that will lift your mood while you are studying!

    Try making a schedule for your day, and including relaxation time! As much as we may think we can, we physically cannot study all day. It is so important to schedule in time where we can relax, maybe watch a movie or some other form of self care. You can even turn your phone off while you study and then take a break from school and turn it back on! Whether your self care is watching an episode on Netflix or just a simple face mask, make sure you are budgeting time for it. You are going to study better if you give your brain the time it needs to rest!

    Make sure you are getting outside at least once a day! It’s easy to lock yourself in your room all day while you study, but being outside is good for your brain! If you’re in the Seattle area, the weather may make it difficult to spend a long time outside, but try your best to be outside for at least 5 minutes a day. Being outside will help you get fresh air and get a well-deserved break from your study space!

    College is hard, and it is much too common to lose yourself in your studies and struggle with your mental health. Make sure to take care of yourself this exam season. You will do better in your classes when you’re well rested and practicing self care!  

Haley Toch

Washington '23

I am an English major with a passion for writing lifestyle pieces! Instagram: @haleytoch twitter: @haleytoch