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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.

As college students, I’m sure we can all relate to the constant anxiety attacks and breakdowns that come with being a student. Sometimes this can cause us to become distracted from our schoolwork as well as becoming uninterested in socialization. There are many ways you can deal with anxiety and stress, but what I’ve realized benefits me the most is meditation. Meditation has been around for more than a century, but the concept is foreign and perceived as new to many people. Not only does meditation help me to not become so overwhelmed in my academic life, but spiritually, physically and emotionally as well. If you’re looking for a peace of mind, increased focus and attentiveness, I would suggest meditation, whether it’s every day or even once a month. Here are a few ways to get started…

Sit for just a few minutes.


A lot of people assume that meditation has to be for a long period of a time or it doesn’t count. Meditation can last from 1 minute to 3 hours, however long you feel is neccesary for you. Starting small first is the key to perfecting your meditation. Start for 5 minutes and increase the length weekly, before you know it you’ll be able to focus for more than an hour!

Be consistent and committed.

Meditation comes easiest when you’re doing it consistently. Try meditating every morning or both. If that’s too difficult or doesn’t fit into your schedule now, try it twice a week and increase as it becomes easier. An easy way to remind yourself is to set an alarm. Go into practicing meditation with an optimistic spirit. Be commited and focused on the benefits and outcome, not just being involved for the moment. Go into meditation to be consistent for a long period of time versus for just a few weeks.

Get in touch with how you feel. 

Contrary to what most people think, meditation does not have to be solely about having a completely clear or quiet mind. Acknowledge how you feel, what’s on your mind and understand that your feelings are OKAY. 

Don’t get caught up in how you’re doing it. 

Your mind doesn’t have to be competely clear while meditating, for this comes with much practice. If you find your mind wandering off often and it’s hard to control, that is okay, there is no perfect way to do it. The more you meditate, the easier it will become to concentrate your focus. 

Make it fun.

Honestly, meditation can be quite boring and repetitive, but there are ways to make it a little more enjoyable. I like to light candles and dim the lighting in my room. I also stretch and play very soft music without lyrics. Lately, I have been using an app on my phone called “Insight Timer” that allows you to meditate with a person for a designated amount of time. All you do is choose the type of mediation and time you would like, an follow the directions of the meditation leader. If I’m meditating at night, I like to stretch, which allows me to relieve built up stress and tension in my body from the day. 



Pre-Nursing major at Valdosta State University. Free spirited.
Her Campus at Valdosta State.