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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.

Like countless others, when I first began working out, my superficial goal was to lose weight, build muscle, and adjust my body’s shape. I went in with a single-purpose mission, and was surprised when I came out with more gains than I’d been expecting. These changes weren’t as easy to notice as the changes my body was going through, but they were affecting my lifestyle in just as impactful ways. Here are four subtle benefits of exercise to motivate you to hit the gym!

Better Sleep

As a student pulling frequent late nighters, I wasn’t expecting my sleep schedule to change. In fact, I was hoping it wouldn’t. I relied on late nights to submit work on time. But I soon found that my body became a limp sack of gummy limbs by the end of the day, and I fell asleep much quicker and with significantly less tossing and turning than usual. After a sweaty workout and a full meal, sleep hits like a freight train. It even got me out of bed with more energy too! Working out indirectly forced me to change my procrastination habit so that I could submit assignments earlier instead of rushing to complete papers within an hour to midnight. I was able to concentrate more on my day-to-day activities now that my eyeballs no longer stung from a lack of sleep.

Higher Productivity

In addition to getting rid of my procrastination, I also felt more energized and focused when I sat down to complete homework every morning. With stretched out muscles and loose limbs, I no longer felt tense or cramped sitting in my chair for long hours. I also felt cleaner as a result of frequent showers, and a clean body is said to equal a clean mind.

Outlet for Frustration

I can confidently say that movie characters who beat up punching bags halfway through a movie are not being dramatic. Sweating out your negative, pent-up emotions actually works. Working out when you’re frustrated redirects your energy into a productive outlet and might even prevent you from taking those emotions out on people who don’t deserve it. The gym is your new rage room. Just always remember to be safe and push yourself within your limits.

Managing Mood Swings

Personally, my mood swings rage during that time of the month, and I become an obnoxious brat. But, the grind doesn’t stop for me every month. Progress at the gym means consistency, and disciplining myself to get to the gym, keep moving, and keep breathing was like a forced meditation. It helped me push through my fluctuating emotions and concentrate on the ins and outs of air in my chest. It even helped to lessen minor period cramps!

The ways in which exercise changes your entire lifestyle can be intimidating for some. Change is always hard to get used to. But I can genuinely say that the changes I experienced by working out were completely worth it. You will begin to see differences in the way you deal with work, family and friends, and even yourself. You are honestly the best version of yourself after a workout—accomplished, productive, and energized for more.

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