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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.

1.    Without it, you will die.

This is survival. You know this. Living is fun.

2.    Cool dreams.

Want to fly over Mexico but gravity/your budget keeps getting in the way? Ugh– been there. Dreams got your back.

3.    Stay awake in class.

It’s hard enough already. Make it easy on yourself and get in those Zs before that 9 am Intro to Global Something with Professor monotone.

4.    Beauty sleep.

You are obvv beautiful but well-rested you is extra charming. Eight hours looks good on you.

5.    Pillows are so comfy.

Wow. They are clouds but for your bed. There is literally nothing better than sinking into a pile of 3,000 pillows on your bed and not being able to get out.

6.    It’s so warm.

With winter coming up you need a warm safe haven. Oh I have an idea it’s your bed, get in it.

7.    Establish routine.

Going to sleep around the same time everyday can make the next day exponentially more productive. And if you finish you work faster, you’ll have more time to sleep!! Life is beautiful.

8.    Remember what you’ve learned.

Multiple studies have shown that your brain files away facts from that day while your asleep. Adequate sleep at night makes all that hard work during the day worthwhile.

9.    Feel more alert.

Have you ever noticed how hard it is to keep up a good conversation on a bad night’s sleep? Life is more interesting when you are awake enough to notice what’s going on around you. Maybe you’ll even notice that other people are falling asleep too. Luckily you have the energy to pity them!!

10.    The Stall Seat journal tells us to.

Trust the Stall Seat. Anything you read in the bathroom is true.

11.    Not sleeping can make you sick.

With flu season right around the corner, people are dropping like flies. Beat the curve by hitting the hay.

12.    Stay active.

Sleeping at night will make you feel more energized during the day. Instead of heading back to the dorm to take a nap, you’ll be headed to the gym for a quick run. And exercise releases endorphins which make you feel good!! Bonus.

13.    Save money.

Skip that extra Venti at Starbucks. ZZZs = $$$

14.    Get that extra sleep while you can.

We all have those days when we forget that we had a 3-page essay, online quiz, and a quick senior thesis all due at noon the next morning. These are the days we will not get sleep. It is a lot easier to stay up to get this all done on a full night’s rest. The second day of no sleep is a killer.

15.    Proper development.

I know you’ve heard it all before from your sad uncle who peaked in college: these are the most important years of your life. But they actually are. Ages 18-21 are vital for the development of the brain and the body. Getting good sleep now will benefit you for decades to come.

16.    It’s 3 am.

Thanks for reading this article, but I know you’re procrastinating either work or sleep. Sleepy time is now. Good night!!!