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Follow Your New Years Resolution of Being Healthier By Taking A Step Back

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

We are less than a month into the new year and resolutions are still going strong, but we are also three weeks into the new semester, which means it’s hard to stick to resolutions when there’s deadlines. There are so many resolutions that have been made specifically to better a person’s health, like eating healthier, working out more, or cutting back on caffeine, which are all great but if you’re feeling overwhelmed, it can be difficult to follow through with them. And let’s be real, fall semester was rough, so motivation levels are already not as high as they should be for the new year. It might feel like you needed more of a break, or that you took on way too much this semester. Or maybe you’re trying to follow a schedule and are feeling stressed about everything you need to do for it. All of these are valid reasons to forget about your resolution to be healthier or be less motivated to go through the effort to make these changes that benefit your health. Trust me, these are all things I am going through, too. And from a personal standpoint, let me just say that it is okay to take a step back and not take on too much! 

If your new year’s resolution is to be healthier, then you should know that not overwhelming yourself with too many responsibilities is a great way to achieve this. Burnout is a very real thing, and if you can avoid that, then life will be better for you in the long run. I understand the pressure to fill up your schedule, through work, classes, extracurriculars, or whatever else you are doing. These are definitely important things that can be great for you, but maybe cut back on the hours you are putting in for your responsibilities and just take a breather. There’s nothing wrong with taking a break or doing less for a bit — it shows that you understand your limits and know how much you can handle. 

When signing up for things, the responsibilities that you are taking on could sound very difficult when they’re not, or they could sound very easy when they’re not. It’s up to you to decide whether you can handle those responsibilities. And if you decide you need to still take on too much to get things done on time, or if it’s too late to drop some of the things you signed up for, then please remember that therapy is a great way to get through it all without burning out. Just take a step back, take a deep breath, and know that your health is more important than anything else that can be pushed off. So follow your new year’s resolution to be healthier, and take care of yourself.

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Hi my name is Elnaz Tahmassebi and I am a Senior at the University of Utah studying International Studies and Health, Society and Policy!
Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor