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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

Ever since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a substantial  focus on finding activities that create balance in everyday life. Many people took the time to explore yoga practices, further their cooking skills, or learn how to paint. Although all of these hobbies are relaxing and pleasurable, taking care of plants is extremely decompressing. It not only cultivates a basic routine but allows for beautiful decoration. Researchers show that having plants around your house can boost your mood, creativity levels, concentration, and assist in cleansing inside air by removing harmful toxins. If you have ever wanted to invest in new plants and felt wary about where to start, here are a few beginner plants that are effortless and gratifying.

One of the first plants I ever procured was a Zanzibar Gem, otherwise known as a ZZ plant. These plants have incredibly durable leaves, come in fun shapes, and love basking in the sunlight. The ZZ plant requires minimal water, so watering them every week is plenty — they also require very little fertilization. After purchasing a ZZ plant, pot it with MiracleGro, which can be purchased at any local hardware or gardening store. The ZZ plant will make a wonderful first companion, requiring very little maintenance and providing lots of smiles.

Another fabulous beginner plant is a Golden Pothos. This beautiful fauna grows leaves out of long stems, resulting in gorgeous vine-like arms. The Pothos also requires very little water and minimal sunlight. After purchasing my own pothos, I planted them in MiracleGro and watered it them every seven days. Not only are these plants wonderful for aesthetic purposes, but they provide instant gratification through their fast growth. 

The last beginner plant that I would recommend for its minimal nature is the Dracaena Trifasciata, otherwise known as the snake plant. This plant has long, durable leaves that sprout upwards in a curvature — they have various color palettes, ranging from deep green to lighter green tones. They also have funky patterns or vibrant outlines, meaning that you can have multiple snake plants and still achieve variety in your collection. To care for a snake plant, provide it with minimal sunlight, and allow their soil to dry out between waterings. 

Because spring is upon us, it is an ideal time to purchase new plant babies. Local stores such as Cactus and Tropicals, Highland Gardens, and other hardware stores have a wonderful selection of plants that you can take home. Enjoy taking care of your new plants!



Sophomore at the University of Utah studying Strategic Communications
Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor