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Wellness > Health

How to Enjoy Your Workout

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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

In college, the stress of trying to fit everything in can make it easy to skip the gym or rush through your workouts just to get it done. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to make your workout more enjoyable, and you may even forget it’s a workout.


Whether its a baggy t-shirt or a cute workout set, showing up in a “feel good” outfit is always a good start. Nowadays there can be pressure to always wear an expensive workout set, or always have your hair in a slick-back bun, but if that’s not your look then find what is. For me, it depends on the day; sometimes I’ll wear a cute top and leggings, and others I’m rocking a UNH tee and running shorts.

A few months ago I bought myself my first pair of Hokas, and just the fact that I get to wear them when I workout gives me a boost of motivation (I have the Bondi 8′, and I love them so much).

Work with your body, not against it

Some days you are filled with energy and are ready to take on some weights or a HIIT workout, others maybe pilates and yoga are a better fit. Learning to know when to push your body, but also let it communicate with you is key. For us girls, we operate on a 28-day cycle, meaning our hormones are constantly changing, directly affecting our mood and energy levels. Building a flexible workout schedule that correlates to your energy level can make workouts more doable and enjoyable.

Make a Schedule

I love being organized, and scheduling my workouts ahead of time makes it easier to follow a routine and harder to skip a workout. I typically stay on a schedule of working out five days a week, including two cardio days and three weight days. I alternate every other day, always starting on Monday with a weight routine. Sticking to a plan helps me stay on track, but on days that I’m extra busy, or not feeling my best, I adjust accordingly.

Find your fun

Believe it or not, working out can be fun, as long as you decide to make it that way. Try new workouts and make a list of what you like and what you don’t. If you love running, great! If you couldn’t be caught doing anything of the sort, maybe try walking with a good playlist or podcast instead. On days when you’re feeling bored of your schedule, change it up and go to a workout class, or pull up a new workout on YouTube to try out. What always helps me is reminding myself that I’m helping my body. It may be a struggle to push through that last set, but ultimately, I know health is wealth.

At the end of the day, any form of movement is beneficial. Some days a 20 minute walk is you giving it all you got, and others it could be lifting that next heaviest weight. The most important part is that you feel good doing it.

Hannah is the Business Manager of Her Campus at UNH, and a Business Administration major with a marketing concentration. She loves staying active, baking, and Gilmore Girls.