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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UMKC chapter.

If you’re anything like me and have been looking for ways to get fit, but don’t know where to start, then look no further! This spring I was really excited to start going to the gym at my apartment. However, due to the coronavirus, UMKC had to move almost all residents out of their student housing, forcing me and many others to go home. With gyms being closed down, there was nowhere to go to work out. Even with the lack of gym facilities, you can still work out and get fit for free. How, you may ask? POPSUGAR Fitness.

All you need is yourself and a yoga mat

Yes, you read that correctly! Most of these workouts do not require any sort of equipment. Their workouts consist of cardio and strength training, but not with weights. Their cardio consists mainly of exercises like mountain climbers, jumping jacks and buttkickers. You don’t even need weights to do their strength exercises and build muscles. Their strength exercises focus a lot on things such as push-ups, sit-ups, planks and so many more exercises you can’t even imagine. You don’t need equipment to get fit! You just need yourself and your best effort. 

They offer modifications for all their exercises

Don’t worry if you are still a beginner to working out! POPSUGAR workouts always demonstrate modifications to exercises if they are a bit too challenging for you. Even if you feel good at first, and realize you need to slow down, that’s okay. No need to feel guilty about it. These videos allow you to go at your own pace and are more about the quality of the workout rather than the amount of reps you do. If your best bet is to do the modified versions, it’s okay! You want to make sure you have good form rather than challenging yourself to do something you’re not ready for. 

No need to stretch

Before you workout and after you workout, stretching is a must. But if you don’t know exactly what parts of your body to stretch, their workouts will have you warm up and cool down with the hosts so you can focus on doing the right stretches for the workout. Their warm-ups are no joke. Even though they go at a slower pace, they will definitely prepare you for the main exercises. Many people don’t know, however, that you’re supposed to stretch after a workout. If you sit down right after exercising, your muscles will tighten up which is not good at all. Luckily for us, they provide us with some stretches after we are done working out.

There are workouts for everybody 

POPSUGAR Fitness has such a diverse selection of workouts. They have strength training videos, HIIT videos and even yoga and dance videos. There are different hosts each time that provide so many exercises. Each host is different and there are plenty that go slow and give you a silent burn, as well as plenty that have you go fast so you’re drenched in sweat. You’re free to choose based on what you’re comfortable with and what you want to focus on. So much variety!

The hosts are extremely honest and encouraging 

The hosts are not there to brag about how many reps they do while you might be struggling. These hosts are human as well. They get tired and sweaty just like us. Despite all that, they provide so much positivity on how you can keep going. A lot of the hosts have said, “Nothing worth it ever comes easy,” which is so true. To get to your goals, you need to work hard and challenge yourself. It may be hard, but the hosts let you know that you’re capable of more than you think. 

There’s so many things I love about POPSUGAR Fitness. I could go on about it. It’s amazing to have such an amazing resource in the comfort of your own home. It’s even better that you don’t need any equipment and it is free. Their hosts are positive and accommodating to everyone’s needs. I’m so happy to have started my fitness journey with POPSUGAR. 

Maddie Houx is a senior at the University of Missouri-Kansas City majoring in psychology and minoring in criminal justice. She is a second-year Her Campus member and is also a mentor on campus for students with disabilities. She is passionate about food, advocacy, and her favorite sports teams.