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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

Two weeks ago, my mom told me that she had signed us up for a yoga class. It was on a Saturday morning at 9 A.M. The last time I had seen 9 A.M. on a Saturday was when taking the ACT! Nevertheless, she dragged me to the class. It was called Vinyasa Yoga. Vinyasa yoga is a general term used to describe yoga that ties postures together with breathing. It was a 50 minute guided class, and it was invigorating. I was sweating by the end of it!! I did not expect to like it as much as I did, but it truly was life changing. I decided to incorporate yoga into my everyday morning routine. Since then, I have noticed a difference not only physically, but mentally and emotionally as well. I have put together a list of a few benefits of yoga and why everyone should incorporate it into their everyday lives, especially us as college students.


  1. There Are Different Kinds To Help With Every Need

Vinyasa Yoga is just one of the many types of yoga out there. “Hatha” is great for beginners! The premise is: you do a pose, come out of it, and then go on to the next pose. It is perfect for relaxing and de-stressing. If you are looking to lose those last few holiday pounds, try “Ashtanga” or Power Yoga. Those two incorporate strength training and cardio, as well as help increase metabolism. And if you’re an athlete or injury-prone, “Iyengar” is the one for you! Iyengar instructors are trained in biomechanics, so they understand which positions are most likely to cause injuries—and how to modify them by tweaking your form.

  1. It’s Not Time Consuming

Yoga is not an activity that requires hours on hours of time. It’s been proven that even 10-15 minutes a day can positively affect your everyday life. It is also a misconception that it has to be done early in the morning. Here is a 15 minute, guided routine to do right before going to sleep.

  1. It Makes You A Better Student

Yoga improves listening skills, enhances focus, and improves all-around awareness. Yoga also increases concentration. Take “Vriksasana”, or tree pose, for example. Due to one leg having to bare the unevenly distributed weight of the entire body, it is a very difficult pose for beginners. My yoga instructor held this pose for five minutes! When I asked her how she did it, she said all it took was getting to a meditation-like state and focusing all your energy into that one single move. Additionally, studies show that students who regularly partake in yoga are generally happier and more sociable, qualities that lend themselves to a better classroom environment.


  1. It Improves Mental & Emotional Health

There is no doubt about it: college is stressful. Juggling school, work, friends, and sleep can cause anxiety. Yoga is beneficial to a student’s daily life in that it can improve personal growth by relieving anxiety, enhancing mood, increasing motivation, and creating a more positive outlook on life. According to the American Yoga Association, practicing yoga daily allows students to access their inner strength that helps deal with the challenges of everyday life.

(PSA: Yoga is not a cure for anxiety or Depression. If you believe you are suffering from a mood disorder, please get in touch with the UIC Counseling Center.)

  1. It Provides Instant Community

In 2013, there were 16,660 undergraduates enrolled at UIC, and that number increases with every year. At a school as big as UIC, making friends can seem like no problem at all, but that is not always the case. One way to meet new people could be by joining a yoga class! Find one fit for you right here!



UIC Contributor.