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5 Tips to Make Sure You Conquer Your Exams!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSD chapter.


Midterms have just passed and they were a wake-up call for many. Yes, after we get past the shock of the fact that four weeks have gone already, we realize that we can’t slack anymore. That is, we can’t slack anymore if we would like to avoid a terrible next round of midterms or even finals. So, here are some tips to reduce stress overall, increase productivity, and maintain at least a bit of sanity come exam time! 

1. Go to class. This seems really obvious and self-explanatory, but honestly, it is easy to fall into the habit of skipping. Once we miss one class and realize the world hasn’t ended around us, we grow comfortable ditching on a regular basis. But don’t let that happen to you! Going to class does tend to be beneficial, if only in introducing you to the topic and general terminology; this makes it less overwhelming when you start to study on your own. Also, though you may think your professor is a bad lecturer, in attempt to decipher their explanation, you may come up with your own, easy-to-remember method. 

2. Make a to-do list. Admittedly, this task can be daunting. It’s scary to look at the physical manifestation of all your obligations in a list. But it also gives you structure and allows you to budget time accordingly, so you’re less likely to forget to do something in the haze of studying for other things. And if that isn’t enough to convince you, it feels amazing to watch as you one-by-one cross all of the items off. The sense of gratification of physically crossing off everything you’ve accomplished gives you motivation to do more!

3. Switch it up. Don’t bore yourself into oblivion. To avoid this boredom, try and switch between subjects rather than trying to cram one subject in completely. Your brain has a threshold; you will end up losing interest (though whether or not you had any interest to begin with is debatable). Do a half an hour of one thing and then change gears. This allows your mind to digest what you have just learned and keeps your brain on its toes (though whether or not your brain has toes is also debatable).

4. Reward yourself. Also, don’t torture yourself with studying! It should not be an excruciating experience; try to make study sessions as enjoyable as possible, or you will put off studying until you absolutely have to do it. And at that point, you’ll be cramming, and that’s never good! Remember, you are allowed to take breaks- watch a TV show, bake some cupcakes, take a nap, take over the world, go on a jog, lay down on the ground in fetal position for a while, talk to someone, go eat, and don’t feel guilty when you get off track! Just remember to get back on it and you’ll be fine.

5. REMEMBER TO SLEEP. It is all pointless if your brain isn’t functioning properly. So please, keep your all-nighters to a minimum.

Now, best of luck in all your studying endeavors! Go forth and conquer!