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7 Myths about Vegans and Vegetarians

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSB chapter.

As a former vegan and current vegetarian, I have heard all of the myths and assumptions about those of us who choose not to consume animal products. Here are the top seven myths about vegans and vegetarians debunked.

1. We Only Eat Salad

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Although vegans and vegetarians do include a lot of vegetables in their meals, a plant-based diet does not necessarily mean a vegetable-based diet. There is a myriad of other foods that do not come from animals, such as rice, beans, fruit, bread, pasta, and many others. A lot of the best meals I have had were when I was a vegan!

2. We are Lacking Protein

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The number one thing I am told when I tell someone about my diet, is “You can’t get enough protein like that.” The truth is, your body does not need as much protein as you think it does. And there are many other foods to get protein from, rather than from other animals, such as lentils, almonds, beans, nuts, broccoli, oats, avocados and literally SO MANY MORE.

3. We Crave Meat and/or Dairy

Via Popkey

Many people believe that vegans and vegetarians are constantly craving meat and animal products, when in reality, we usually aren’t. Sure, there can be some moments when we crave comfort foods we use to have, but they always subside with time. There are also some crazy amazing soy chicken nuggets out there. So next time you feel bad for eating meat in front of a non-meat-eater because you think they want it, DON’T WORRY. Remember that what we eat is our choice.

4. It’s Expensive

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A big misconception about eating plant-based or mostly plant-based is that it is more expensive than regular eating. However, the cost of meat at a grocery store is actually a lot higher than the cost of grains and fruits. Eating sustainably and healthily doesn’t have to break the bank!

5. We are Weak and Frail

Via Tenor

Another falsehood about cruelty-free eaters is that we must be weak and frail without meat and milk to make us strong. But the big secret is that meat and dairy aren’t actually necessary to be as buff as The Rock. There are a lot of vegan bodybuilders, wrestlers, and boxers in today’s age, who are doing very well.

6. We are Judgey

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A lot of people think vegans and vegetarians think they are better than everyone else, and judge people who eat animal products. But that simply is not true, at least with 99.99% of vegans and vegetarians I have met. I personally, have plenty of meat eater friends and don’t think less of anyone who has a different diet than me. I feel like this stereotype has formed because some people may feel guilty when eating meat in front of a non-meat-eater, and so their discomfort makes them feel like they are being judged.

7. We are all Hippies


Via Giphy

Society sees vegans and vegetarians as hippie people who are all about saving animals and the trees, which…okay isn’t far from the truth. BUT people stop eating meat and animal products for a lot of different reasons. For some it’s about environmental sustainability, for others it’s to combat animal cruelty, and for many, it is to live a healthy lifestyle. We really are just a normal group of diverse people who are really passionate about people, animals, health, and the environment.

Ava Kargosha is a first year Psychology and Brain Sciences major at UCSB. She loves reading, writing, drinking Arnold Palmers, and frantically catching up on TV shows.
Hi, Collegiettes! I'm Carmen, a Communication major at University of California, Santa Barbara and one of two Campus Correspondents for UCSB. I would love to one day work in either fashion, food, tech, financial services or philanthropy. My dream is to find a job that somehow combines several of those elements. Until I get there, I'll be munching on copious amounts of Trader Joe's dried mango, jamming out to my man, Frank Sinatra, and focusing on creating intriguing content! If you like my writing, talk to me. ;)