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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.

Hey Aggies, it’s that dreaded time of the quarter again: finals week. But this time, instead of binging on Ramen noodles and only seeing the sunlight when you need to take out the trash, consider finding a healthier and more efficient ways to survive finals week. To help you get through this week, here are some tips that will help you accomplish your academic goals without sacrificing your physical and mental health.

1. Maintain healthy energy levels. If you took a blood sample of the average college student during finals week, there’s a good chance you’d find 80% Espresso. ­Coffee drinks are a great way to keep you awake during the day, but find other ways to foster natural energy. Getting 7-9 hours of sleep a night will do wonders to keep you awake and attentive and make your studying more efficient. 

2. Balance the time you study with friends and study alone. Studying with friends is a great resource. You’re able to share ideas, ask for help and make the arduous task of studying only slightly more bearable. But too much group work can get distracting, so make sure you take some time out of your study schedule to read over your notes alone or practice problems without anyone else’s help.

3. Use a calendar or organizer. Having daily, weekly, or even hourly to-do lists helps organize your schedule, keeps you focused and makes your day’s tasks a lot less daunting. There’s no better feeling than crossing a finished achievement off your to-do list.

4. Exercise, exercise, exercise! Take an exercise break every time you feel your body stiffening or feel yourself losing motivation. This can be something as simple as stretching for 5 minutes, going for a walk around your apartment complex, or doing a 45 min elliptical run. Getting your body moving will clear your mind and send positive endorphins throughout your system.

5. Eat healthy. The idea of cooking during finals week is unheard of, but eating only junk food and Cup Noodles for breakfast, lunch and dinner is detrimental to your physical health and will make you feel tired and sluggish at the end of each day. Before finals week, hit up Safeway and stock up on some fruits, veggies, healthy granola bars and some packaged meals. Before finals week, consider meal prepping your lunches and dinners for the week, and storing them in portable containers for nutritious meals that can be eaten on the go. 

6. Call your friends and family. When finals roll around, we get so consumed in our textbooks, codes, practice finals, the stress of getting a good grade overwhelm our mental states. Take some time everyday to call your parents, siblings, and friends who go to school in another state or city to catch up. It’ll be a refreshing reminder that there’s more to life than scantrons and blue books, and that at the end of the day, fail or pass, you will always have friends and family to lean on for support.

Good luck Aggies!

Maria is a fourth year at University of California, Davis where she is double majoring in Economics and Comparative Literature. When she's not studying for her classes or writing up an article, you can find her playing soccer with her friends, working with the UCD School of Education or chowing down on some delicious Thai food with her roommates.
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