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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Toronto chapter.

Edited by Tasmiyah Randeree


So… 2018 is almost over. What the heck! This year flew by so fast! I’ve always been a fan of New Year’s Resolutions, even though I have been known to give up on a few come February (hey, nobody’s perfect!) There’s something so promising about a fresh start in the new year. But the end of the year is also the perfect time to reflect on what you could work on in the year to come. Here are a few of my reflections from this past year.



The end of this year was a pretty stressful one for me. It was my busiest semester yet, and I really struggled to stay on top of everything. In the past, I would complete assignments ahead of schedule, manage to eat well and exercise! But I had much more on my plate this year, and I found myself getting easily overwhelmed. Of course, high levels are actually counterproductive, so that made it even harder for me to get everything I needed to accomplished.



I’m very much a planner, and I think that’s why I felt so overwhelmed this past semester. Assignments snuck up on me, and amid meetings and appointments and balancing a few jobs, I felt out of sorts. So my goal for next year is to stick to my agenda and write in everything I need to get done during each week. That way, I can cross things off my list, and don’t have to worry about forgetting anything! I think this will also help me feel more in control of all the things I have going on. I also neglected self-care this last semester, so I’m going to make a point to schedule in a few hours just for me to do something fun for myself, whether it be reading a good book or just binging Netflix!


This year was not my strongest when it came to eating healthier. I really struggled to make healthy meals, and often opted to eat out or rely on frozen dinners (shout out to my Lean Cuisines!) I also ate went through far too many bags of chocolate chip cookies, far too quickly. Now, I love dessert, and I am not willing to give that up. But I could be a bit more thoughtful about what I eat this coming year.



In past years, I’ve just made the very general, unattainable resolution to “eat healthy.” Well, props to past Tali, but that goal is so broad; it’s no wonder I fell off the wagon after two weeks. This year, I’m going to try to meal plan ahead of time, keeping my schedule in mind. That way, I can make a healthy meal on a lighter day of the week, and freeze a few extra portions for busier weekdays. I also know its unrealistic to expect myself to give up my favourite unhealthy foods, so I’m going to try to eat what I want, just in moderation.


Working Out:

I actually enjoy working out (when it’s in small doses, I’m no athlete.) But this year, I definitely slacked off. I didn’t make time to hit the gym, and I really wish I had because I always feel so much after I go. Next year, I’m going to be more proactive about exercising.



I’m going to make working out a part of my schedule next year, and that will hopefully help me stick to the habit. I’m also going to find a free drop-in class I want to attend on campus, and make an effort to go every week. Last year, my friends and I worked out together every week and it was great! It was a nice way to squeeze in quality time with them while still getting in some exercise. We’re going to do this next semester, and I’m really looking forward to it.

Now, while it’s helpful to see where we came up short on our goals this year, it’s also important to reflect on the things we did well! I may not have stuck to this year’s resolutions, but I also accomplished many things, and I should recognize those too. Here are a few of the things I’m proud of from this year:


Pushed Myself

This year, I pushed myself out of my comfort zone more than I normally do, and I’m really proud of myself for that. I applied to a few jobs on campus that I didn’t think I would get and was a bit nervous about. But I was successful, and they’ve turned out to be amazing opportunities! I also applied for a scholarship this year, which was unlike me. In the past, I’d scan through my email and pass over those opportunities, mostly because I didn’t think I was qualified enough. But this year, I decided to just go for it! I had nothing to lose, and money to gain! I’m proud of myself for pushing myself further than I normally would have this year.



This semester, I attended a weekly meditation class for most of the semester. I was really happy with myself for my commitment. It was something I had always intended to do, but never fully carried out. I’m really glad that I did because it was a great opportunity to de-stress and relax midweek. This is something I hope to continue into the new year.


This year has taught me a lot about myself, and shown me areas I might need to improve, but also shown me things I should be proud of! I’m looking forward to 2019! Excuse me while I get my planner ready.


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U Toronto

Tali is a second year psychology student at University of Toronto. She enjoys singing, reading cheesy teen romance novels, and cooking/eating delicious food!