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books on brown wooden shelf
books on brown wooden shelf
Susan Yin/Unsplash
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Penn chapter.

Maybe you had one midterm, maybe you had five. Regardless, anyone can admit that it’s been a tough midterm season, and everyone is exhausted (myself included). But there is a light at the end of the tunnel…spring break is here! However, whether you’re partying in Cabo or going back home to relax with family, spring break does come with its own bit of craziness. Still, everyone needs a little time to decompress and practice some self-love in the midst of that madness as well.

So here is a list of my favorite self-care activities, which will have you feeling refreshed and ready this spring break (and will hopefully help you forget about the trauma of having three midterms and three papers due in one day).

1.   Take a bath

Light some candles, put away your phone, and take a nice hot bath (or shower, if you’re still in your dorm). Make sure to add in some calming salts or relaxing oils, and of course, don’t forget the bubbles! Relax in the silence or put on that new album you have been too busy to listen to…or if you’re like me and have a bunch of TV shows to catch up on, bring your computer and watch some Netflix. I mean, what’s better than a hot bath and binge-watching your favorite TV show?! Plus, you’ll be soaking away all the pain of spending two weeks straight in Van Pelt.

2.   Masks, Masks, Masks

Face mask, hair mask, eye mask. There’s no better time to hydrate and nourish your body than during a bath. You can go and buy some masks from CVS or if you’re feeling crafty, find some recipes online and make your own! Either way, your hair, face, and undereye bags will all thank you afterwards and you’ll be glowing for when you return from spring break!

3.   Bake

The one thing I always need at the end of a stressful day is a cookie…or a brownie…or some ice cream…ok, basically I just need something sweet! Baking is a perfect way to fulfill that sugary craving and de-stress from that midterm that was a thousand times harder than all of the practice tests.  Make a classic chocolate chip cookie, find an adventurous recipe on Pinterest, or – to keep it simple and easy – buy some reliable Toll-House cookie dough. Share your sweets with some friends or if you are a dessert fiend (like me) keep them all for yourself! Afterward, your soul and stomach will be filled, those midterms will be forgotten, and you’ll be ready to re-start your spring break diet the next day!

So, those are a few of my tips on how to recover from midterms and how to practice some self-love! Do all of them, do none of them, or make up your own! Regardless, the most important thing to do is to be happy and let yourself have an amazing spring break!

Sabrina is a junior in the college studying Philosophy, Politics, and Economics. Sabrina loves all things food; whether it be eating at every restaurant in center city, baking s'mores bars at home, or cooking up a chef quality dinner for friends! Other than food, Sabrina is a certified Vinyasa yoga instructor and can be seen frequently posting yoga shots on Instagram. In addition to food and yoga, Sabrina absolutely loves her pomsky pup, Mishka! @sabrinaleder @mishkapomsky @sabrinas_sweets