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Tone It Up: The Key To Collegiette Fitness Success!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

Midterm season is approaching which means, as you’re working on those group projects and term papers, you can look forward to countless hours of studying before you’re set free for spring break.

It’s hard to stay motivated and on track during this busy and bone chilling time of year, but winter break is coming soon and keeping up your fitness and nutrition plans can help to relieve stress, both mentally and physically.

In 2011 I discovered a new fitness app called Tone It Up, and I am so glad I did! The fitness and nutrition programs are founded by two women based on Southern California, Karena and Katrina. Their booming YouTube channel views inspired them to create Instagram and Twitter accounts along with an interactive fitness plan and a community feel to go along with it. Their plethora of knowledge and innovative workouts inspire me to keep on keepin’ on, and who doesn’t love checking off a great workout form your day?! Here are some tips to stay on track with your fitness and nutrition regime during this stressful time and into the new year!

Stay focused:

  • Check out the Tone It Up homepage and print out their free (so awesome!) monthly schedule where you can satisfy your OCD tendencies and check off what you’ve accomplished. You’ll be so proud of yourself when the end of the month comes and you’ve checked off every box.

Use social networking:

  • Make a TIU Instagram profile, specifically to track your fitness and nutrition progress. I also sometimes will tweet about a workout I loved, to help make me feel accountable.

Sunday funday:

  • Make Sunday a meal prep day. Work on your time management skills and set aside a few hours to pick up fresh groceries so you’re set for the week. Defeat the odds of a typical university student and ditch the macaroni and oatmeal and get creative with your meals!

Workout grind:

  • For the love- get the TIU app! That way when you get your butt to the gym you know exactly what to do. Karena and Katrina set the app up so that there is a workout schedule for each day of the week. They’re all different, exciting and are a great challenge. The app will be the best dollar you’ve spent!

I’ll just have a bite:

  • I’ve said this once and I’ll say it again, taste everything, eat nothing. This could pertain to anything from late night cravings after studying to the endless amounts of gingerbread cookies, sugar cookies and any other cookie you have a hard time resisting. 

Gym swag:

  • Nothing motivates me like some new workout gear. If you’re on a budget, as most of us are, opt for a more affordable option such as workout clothes from Old Navy or Joe Fresh. If you’re interested in some pieces that are out of your reach, tell that special someone, Valentine’s Day is approaching quickly! If you’re going to be solo for Valentine’s Day, save up some money and treat yourself.

Tone It Up has launched their Love Your Body series, which is a six-week program from the New Year until Valentine’s Day. Sign up on their website and join along with all of the other Tone It Up members and keep up with Karena and Katrina’s daily life on their new show. You can catch Toned Up on Bravo Thursday evenings. Invite some girls over and have a Toned Up viewing party and maybe you’ll inspire friends to join the Tone It Up bandwagon along with you.

Once you sign up to receive the e-mails from Tone It Up, and I know you will, get crafty and try out the recipes that they provide. Karena and Katrina have designed these recipes specifically for Tone It Up girls that are interested in living a healthy and active life. You can do it collegiates! Set those short-term goals and tell yourself you can do whatever you set your mind to. After all, girls rule!

Photos: ToneItUp.com

I'm a third year Honours Public Relations student at the University of Ottawa and am originally from Leamington, Ontario. I like to read, stay fit and spend time with family & friends!