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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

Periods are no fun, nor are the symptoms that come along with them. Whether you suffer from headaches, cramps, acne or mood swings, everyone can attest to this time of the month being a time where we don’t feel our best. While there are some things we can’t control, there are ways to help alleviate some of these menstrual symptoms through our diet. Most of us crave sweet or salty foods (or both), and a ton of it. Here are some foods that will help combat those nasty effects that Mother Nature has blessed upon us.

1. Omega-3
Fat is your friend, especially during your time of the month. Foods rich in omega-3, like salmon, walnuts and avocados are satisfying, and they keep the body’s insulin levels stable (this will prevent insulin spikes, which cause hangry binge eating and cravings). Omega-3 also help to relax your muscles and steady your nerves, which can be stressed during your period.

2. Greens
We all know they’re good for us, but did you know that leafy green vegetables are high in iron? Many women suffer from low-iron levels, especially during blood loss in menstruation. Greens like kale, spinach and swiss chard are fantastic options filled with iron to help you feel less fatigued. Sautéing these greens for a side dish or throwing them into a smoothie are healthy and nutritious options.

3. Complex Carbs
Oatmeal, sweet potatoes, rice, and quinoa are excellent sources of complex carbohydrates that help to keep you full and curb cravings. Since these carbs are slow digesting, they slowly release sugar into your system, which prevents the insulin spike we talked about earlier. If you’re craving carbs, these hearty options are great to fill up on as they contain magnesium and vitamins A, B & E to help with fatigue and muscle tension.

Meal suggestion: oatmeal topped with walnuts, cinnamon, and fresh fruit like berries, apples or banana

4. Water
Bloating during this time of the month can be a result of water retention, which is caused by increased oestrogen levels during our periods. It is aggravated by eating too much salt and other high inflammatory foods, which cause our bodies to hold onto excess fluid. It might sound counter-intuitive to drink more water at this point, but drinking water actually helps to flush the toxins out that are within the fluid and reduce the retention.

5. Natural Sugars
The chocolate cravings us women get around this time of the month are real. Unless you’re eating dark chocolate; milk and white chocolate contain high amounts of sugar. As some of you might know, the more sugar you eat, the more you crave it. Let’s be honest- we can’t just have one piece of chocolate. Ditch the artificial sugar, and opt for fruit. Fruit contains an excellent amount of fibre and is very hydrating, which is great for your skin. Whatever fruit you love, eat as much of it as you want! If your chocolate cravings are bad, dark chocolate fondue with fruit is a really yummy option.



Good luck!


Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8