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Falling Behind? Here Are Some Tips that Will Help

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.

We’re over halfway through the semester, this is the point that you start (if you haven’t already) to feel that academic fatigue. It becomes increasingly more tempting to not do that reading assignment, you’ve put off the discussion post for far too long, and those lectures you meant to watch are pulling up. Finals are about to commence and you feel unprepared. And that’s alright. Everyone feels unprepared. But that doesn’t mean there’s no hope. There are some things you can still do to take some of that anxiety away.

Get Organized

You may be thinking that it’s way too late in the semester to start organizing, but that’s not true. It’s NEVER too late to get organized. Go to that syllabus you haven’t looked at in weeks and find the list of assignments and where you are now in the semester. In a spreadsheet, you can put in each of those assignments, the date, and the class they’re for, then sort them by date. That way you have a compressive list of what you have to do and what’s coming up so you never miss a thing. If that’s not your style, that’s fine. You can start with simple to-do lists for yourself for the week to come, what you want to get done and when do you have to get it done. Having a daily to-do list where you can physically see your progress is a nice way to get yourself motivated, especially if you get that extra boost of dopamine from simply crossing each assignment off your list as I do.


The studies have been done, researchers have collected their data and results are clear: you need to stop doing your homework in bed. I’m sorry, it is more comfortable and cozy, but it’s doing more harm than good. However, sitting at your desk or a table is no better if there is clutter and distractions all around you. Sometimes it is more beneficial to spend time cleaning your area than trying to get work done and fighting distractions. Better yet, explore the campus and find a library spot just for you. A place that is quiet, free of distractions, that will force you to do work. If you take all that time to pack your stuff and walk to the library, you’ll be more likely to do your work. 

Mental Health

Just because you feel like you’re not doing enough, doesn’t mean that it’s true. To get those assignments done, you’ll have to understand one important fact: you’re doing your best. College is hard, and you can expect yourself to be at 100% all of the time. Check off what you can from that to-do list, don’t expect yourself to get all of it done. You can have off days, a no-bones day if you will, it’s alright to breathe sometimes. Then, when you feel up to the task, do what you gotta do. Whatever that means to you personally.

Jamie Murray

U Mich '24

I'm a sophomore at the University of Michigan, my major is Political Science and I hope one day to go to law school. As an Aquarius, I hope to have some unique ideas and takes for Her Campus articles. And I'm excited to meet new friends along the way.