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A Guide to Healthy Eating in UMass DCs

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

The dining hall you frequent most on campus usually depends on whichever dorm you live in, because who actually wants to trek from Southwest to Worchester to eat everyday? Even though the majority of the food served at the dining commons is pretty similar, different ones have variations in their meals, to check out the daily menus click here. Fortunately, though you may find yourself tempted by the smell of greasy French fries as you walk through the door, there are healthy (and delicious!) options at the dining commons; you just have to have the willpower to swap out the fattening ones for the fit!

The University’s most popular dining common is by far Berkshire Dining Hall. Berk, as it’s known most commonly by, is equipped with all sorts of temptations, from the Pizza station, to the fries at the grill, to the warm chocolate chip cookies on your way out – it even has a soft serve ice-cream machine. It’s hard to keep healthy options in mind when all the smells of comfort food wafting in the air, but if you stay strong and dig deep within yourself to push through, you’ll find that waist friendly options really do exist!

Check out the Salad station – don’t be turned off by the idea that all salads are boring and taste-less. Berk has so many different options for you to jazz up your salad with and to please your taste-buds, like nuts, dried fruits, regular fruits, all sorts of vegetables, dressings (try to stay away from the creamy kinds – they’re loaded with unnecessary fats), and much more. If you head over to the Grill station and grab some grilled (not fried!) chicken, cut it up and add it to the salad you can satisfy your protein kick as well! 

Berk also has a Vegetarian section for those collegiettes who stay away from meats and poultry, and they often have a lot of healthy and tasty dishes to try! Just keep in mind that not everything served here is going to be good for your body – if it’s covered in breadcrumbs or smothered in cheese then it’s going to be loaded with carbs and fats that you don’t need.

Another great option is the Breakfast station – and who says you can’t have it at any time of the day?! There is an assortment or cereals to choose from – try to pick one with whole grains or and/or one with nuts and fruits, not a sugary one like the kind you craved as a kid, those will just add unwanted inches to your waist.

The new and improved Hampshire Dining Common that reopened to the student population this semester boasts a whole hall full of healthy eating options. This idea, along with an entirely different layout, has attracted hoards of students to take a break from Berk and try a healthier way of dining at college.

While some of the changes made at Hamp are very obvious, the loss of the “Old Hamp’s” burritos is still being mourned by the upperclassmen, others are small yet effective. Students don’t realize the immense amount of calories they consume when drinking a soda, or when they pour gallons of dressing on to a salad, but in reality they are wasting calories by consuming foods/drinks that do not fill them up. Hamp has completely done away with dressings and soda, and instead offers freshly squeezed juice as a healthier and more refreshing option. Although such changes may seem small, they can make a big impact on your calorie intake and help you to make better choices throughout the rest of the day. If you’re looking for more of a “temptation free zone” in a DC, Hamp is your place.

As for Worchester and Franklin, their menus are less extensive and exciting than those that the Southwest area dining commons have to offer, but they still include all the basics the others do to help you maintain a healthy life here at UMass. Ultimately healthy eating is a personal choice, one that can benefit your mind and body in many ways, and if you do make the choice, UMass has many options to help you help yourself!

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Maggie Norton

U Mass Amherst

University of Massachusetts Chi Omega and Contributing Writer at HerCampus!
Contributors from the University of Massachusetts Amherst