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Let’s Talk About Sex Benefits

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Towson chapter.

  Sex is a three letter word that contains so much conviction and power. This three letter word can immediately change things in a relationship—for better or for worse. However sex is not a horrible experience. Many women want to improve their skin health and want to maintain a hot bod, but what we didn’t know was that we could find solutions to these problems between our own sheets. Pull the covers back and get busy; sex, although a bit messy, can be very beneficial.


Ever had a night where you just toss and turn without end? Well those nights can come to a screeching halt. If you are having trouble sleeping due to anxiety or stress, sex can help you reach a night full of zzz’s. Reaching the big ‘O’ can release the hormone oxytocin, in both men and women, which can help relax you and lead to a much deeper and more satisfying slumber.

Immune System:

With the weather all over the thermometer, getting sick this time of year is almost unavoidable. However, according to a Wilkes University study, having sex about one to two times a week can lead to 30% higher levels of an antibody, ‘immunoglobulin A’, which can help boost our immune systems. So instead of packing tissues in your backpack just enjoy some more sex to kick that cold out of your system.

Pain Relief:

Ever had a headache or backache that just made you want to stay in bed and not do anything all day? Not anymore—doctors have found a connection between sex and pain. No more excuses about a headache, have a little sexual intercourse and see how it helps relieve your pain. According to Dr. Ebanks “Through sexual arousal and orgasm the hormone oxytocin is secreted in your body, which in turn causes the release of endorphins,” he explained. With the body producing these natural opiates, sex acts as a powerful analgesic, or pain killer.

Bladder Control:

Ladies, I’m sure we have all heard about the Kegel exercises that can help tighten our lovely lady parts. But using these exercises during sex can not only improve sex, but can also strengthen our muscles that are associated with a weak bladder. So next time you’re sitting in class a little bored just flex your pelvic muscles, like you are holding or stopping your urine, for three seconds and then release. Constantly flexing this muscle can lead to better bladder control.


As mentioned before sex can release endorphins and oxytocin which can help alleviate pain, but it can also help improve your mood. These feel good hormones help relieve stress and can leave you with a big smile on your face to go out and face the world. An extra boost is that having high energy sex can lead to a much higher level of energy afterwards.

Mental Health:

The brain is a powerful organ that is necessary for survival. Sex can be helpful for the heart, but also the mind. Using sex as a mood booster can help fight stress, as mentioned above, and also depression. Sex helps with the production of a hormone DHEA that can help fight both anxiety and depression.

Heart Health:

Now we all know cardio is good for heart health, but did you know that sex could help men with their heart health? Research shows that men who have sex twice a week, or more, have a lower risk of being diagnosed with heart disease than those who have sex once a month. So ladies, I know we may hold out when we’re angry, but you could be having a negative effect on your man’s health. Don’t you want him to be around for years to come?

Lower Cancer Risk:

Now with all of these benefits of sex, who knew that sex could lower chances of a cancer diagnosis? According to studies, young men who ejaculate about five times a week can reduce their chance of prostate cancer. So you hold your man’s heart and prostate health in between your legs, spread the health benefits ladies! If we have sex regularly we can have a lower risk of being diagnosed with breast cancer. Make sure you let your partner know how they can really help save your boobies!


The skin is one of the most beautiful attributes a person has. So learning that sex can help it is great! Sex increases blood circulation, which in return improves our skin complexion and can give off an ‘after sex glow’. It can also help make you look younger through collagen production, which helps with sagging skin and age spots. Sex can also help balance our raging hormones that produce zits. Balancing these hormones can zap those zits on your face you’ve been trying to hide.

Burning Calories:

We all know that sex can be like a cardio exercise, but did you know sex can burn 75-250 calories depending on the length and type of romping session you have? Sex can be compared to other workouts like yoga, dancing, and walking, all of which get your heart pumping and get those calories burning.

Although sex is fun and can be beneficial, it is also important to take all precautions when engaging in it. Use a condom, safe sex is great sex!


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