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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Towson chapter.

Over the summer, I moved into my new apartment with my two best friends. My roommate, Kacie, introuduced me to cooking with coconut oil. At first, I was not sure if I would like it. I thought that all my food would take like coconuts but she persuaded me by telling me how healthy and delcicious it was. Turns out, she was right! Everything that I used to make with canola oil in it, I now make with coconut oil. It has a lot of health benefits and it gives a very slight added extra flavor. 

Heres What to Know:

I use Trader Joe’s Organic Virgin Coconut oil (Trader Joes is the cheapest I have seen at $5.99 a bottle). “Organic Virgin” is the healthiest so this is what you should buy. 

It is a saturated fat that does not contain cholesterol. 

It can boost your immune system.

It can help increase your GOOD cholesterol, also called your HDL.

It gives you energy! I read that if you take a spoonfool of it with chia seeds, you can feel more energized than drinking a cup of coffee. (Check out my chia seed article here!) 

It is really good for your skin and your hair. I recently started using as a face moisturizer and as a leave in conditioner that I put it my hair a few hours before I plan on washing it. 

It is great for cooking and baking. It can replace other oils and butter. 

Do you have any other uses for it or suggestions on how to use it? Tweet me at @hercampustowson and I’ll be sure to share the info with our followers!