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5 Quick Ways to Boost Your Mood During a Busy Work Day

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Toronto MU chapter.

Our productivity is greatly affected by our mood. As someone who juggles two part-time jobs, a full-time university course schedule and multiple student groups, I tend to spend hours throughout the day just trying to check things off my to-do list, and after a while, I begin to feel numb and robotic. We tend to reward ourselves for excessive productivity at the cost of our mental and physical wellbeing, and I am incredibly guilty of that. Eye bags have now become my markers of accomplishment. If you are a student who can’t afford to solely focus on school and need to juggle multiple jobs and internships, maintaining a consistent schedule can be challenging. Consider implementing some of these habits into your everyday schedule to boost your mood. Each of these won’t take more than 20 minutes out of your day, and I can guarantee that you will feel refreshed and more productive after. 

  1. Listen to upbeat music 

I have a playlist on Spotify that I turn to for quick dance parties when I’m feeling down. It has been proven that listening to music and moving your body increases dopamine, a hormone that causes feelings of happiness when released in your body. So, if you’re ever feeling tired from sitting in front of your laptop or running errands, just take five minutes out of your day to listen to an upbeat Olivia Rodrigo song or follow a TikTok dance in your bedroom.

  1. Take a quick shower or do a skincare routine

Sometimes I go days without prioritizing showering or properly taking care of my hygiene simply because I have a lot of work to do or too many deadlines to meet (even brushing my teeth tends to be forgotten some nights). I am here to remind you that these things are important! It’s crazy how refreshed and productive I feel after a good, hot shower. So this is your sign to take one! 

  1. Journal

Writing down your worries on paper can help you come to terms with, or resolve the thoughts that are ruminating in your mind. So, if you’re anything like me and spontaneously have negative thoughts or excessively worry about things in the future that take up unnecessary space in your mind, make sure to journal! Documenting how you are feeling will allow your mind to slowly move past those thoughts and focus on having a great and productive day. 

  1. Make yourself a healthy meal 

Don’t skip out on breakfast, lunch or dinner! It’s important to fill your stomach three times a day, and skipping meals will lead to “hangriness”. For me, this is the biggest cause of irritability. I simply forget to eat when I’m trying to finish up an assignment or get to work. I might grab a quick banana instead of an actual lunch, but like the rest of my tips, make sure to do as I say and not as I do. Your body will thank you for fuelling it sufficiently

  1. Watch something that will give you momentary pleasure or joy

This doesn’t mean scrolling through social media! Instead, turn on a Youtube video, a quick podcast, or even read a book – anything that can entertain you and make you laugh before you need to get back to your regularly scheduled work. I like to time my breaks for 15-20 minutes, which is why it’s good to avoid going on TikTok where you might unknowingly spend hours scrolling!

Asritha is a student at Ryerson University in the beautiful city of Toronto Canada. Studying media production with a minor in English and Marketing she has a passion for journalistic writing, art, fitness, and going to the cinema every week with her friends. Particularly fond of chick flicks and the coming of age genre, her favorite movies are bridesmaids, clueless, and ladybird.