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5 Ways to Survive the Rest of the Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

With summer right around the corner, it may be difficult to stay focused on school.  The end of the semester is always the most stressful time with finishing last minute assignments and preparing for finals.  It is important to stay motivated in order to finish the semester strong. Here are some tips to help you power through the rest of the semester.

1. Sit Outside to Do Homework


As the weather starts getting warmer, campus comes alive. Don’t stay cramped up in your room.  Take advantage of the warm weather while still being productive. Grab your backpack and head to Beury Beach or another sunny spot around campus.  It will help to make homework a lot more enjoyable (well, maybe).

2. Try Not to Procrastinate

Coming from the queen of procrastination, this is not always an easy task. If you take some time to work on an assignment before it is due, it will help to relieve some stress and allow for more free time to spend doing other activities besides homework.  Find the place where you are able to concentrate the best, whether it is in your dorm or at the TECH Center. Preparing ahead of time for a test or assignment generally results in a higher grade.  

3. Make Some Time for Yourself

Make sure to put some time aside for yourself.  Whether that means spending time with friends, heading to the city, or just spending the night watching Netflix, it is important make time for the things you enjoy. College can be exhausting and everyone deserves a break.

4. Head to the Gym

Take a trip to the gym and spend some time working out.  Even if it is a small, short workout, it will be a productive break from homework and will help to relieve some stress. Working out will allow you to clear your mind. It will ultimately help you to feel better overall.  Yoga classes are an amazing way to work on flexibility, strength, and relaxation.  Getting rid of negative energy will allow for more concentration on homework and classes.  

5. Try to Get Enough Sleep

Sleep is one of the keys to being successful.  With the school year coming to an end, teachers will most likely be piling on extra work.  Although cramming seems like the best option, it’s also important to allow your body to rest and refuel.  Sleep is necessary for both physical and mental health.  The National Sleep Foundation recommends that younger adults, ages 18-25, should be ranging from 7-9 hours of sleep every night.  So be sure to catch some ZZZZ’s so you don’t fall asleep in class.

Temple University '19. Journalism Major with a minor in Spanish. Instagram: Arogers523 | Twitter: alexismrogers
Kaitlin is an alumna of Temple University where she graduated with a B.A. in Journalism and a minor in Political Science. At Temple, she served as Campus Correspondent for Her Campus Temple and was a founding member and former Public Relations Vice President for the Iota Chi chapter of Alpha Xi Delta.  She currently serves Her Campus Media as a Region Leader and Chapter Advisor and was formally a Feature Writer for Fashion, Beauty and Health.