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How to find what type of workout is best for you!

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCNJ chapter.

Look around! Everyone around you right now goes through daily or weekly stresses. Everyone needs a “thing” to do that helps them escape from all of life’s stresses. If working out is an outlet for you just as it is for me to help reduce stress or simply feel good, then continue reading!

Everyone deserves to feel their best when they are working out. If you are the type of person that just can’t find their groove, here are your options to finding the perfect workout for you. Transform your body to what you envision yourself to feel and look like. Here are 5 workouts to try to get you in the best shape and have the best state of mind you possibly can:

  1. Pilates is a fantastic way to step out of your comfort zone and try something new and challenging. Not only does this workout boost your body’s natural ability to burn fat but it also promotes wellness and mental health awareness, increases core strength and improves flexibility. Pilates can transform your body within 10-12 weeks if you stay consistent with it. Pilates is mainly a cardiovascular workout that incorporates many different exercises that guarantees a high-level calorie burner workout.
  1. Yoga/Hot Yoga is one of my favorite workouts to do. Something about being in a room that guarantees a full sweat makes me feel so good about going. Personally, I love to sweat and after every yoga session I feel as if I accomplished one of my goals of the day or week which is getting a fantastic workout in. Yoga allows you to not only workout your muscles but create a safe space for your mind to escape to. Yoga increases muscle strength and tone, promotes injury prevention, increases flexibility, and helps manage stress.
  1. Weight Lifting is one of the best workouts you can do for your body. 30 minutes can burn between 90 to 252 calories depending on how taxing your workout is. This is proven to be one of the best ways to burn a handful of calories. Some major advantages of weightlifting is that it improves posture, it helps you gain better sleep, gains bone density, and boosts metabolism exponentially. Being a college athlete, weightlifting is heavily incorporated into my weekly workouts and has decreased my chance of injuries when playing. 
  1. Running/Speed Intervals has been a staple in the workout world. Treadmill exercises are a “go to” workout for most people. When you walk into any gym there are always a thousand treadmills lined up. Some major advantages to completing these workouts is that it helps build stronger muscles and bones, improves cardiovascular fitness, and helps maintain healthy weight. This type of exercise is for everyone and anyone!
  1. Mobility Work is crucial to incorporate into your weekly fitness routine. Some of the major advantages that mobility helps is that it prevents knots and injuries, increases range movement, reduces joint deterioration, and relieves tension. If your goal is to run faster, jump higher, squat lower, lift weights more efficiently and achieve your ultimate fitness goals, mobility training is a must.
Emma Pascarella is a Senior attending The College of New Jersey. Emma is majoring in Journalism&Professional writing with a minor in Psychology in hopes to be a broadcast journalist when she graduates! Emma is also a member on the women’s soccer team at The College of New Jersey. XOXO