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5 Tips for Staying in Shape Over Winter Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Syracuse chapter.


We all take pride in our hot bods we worked so hard to achieve for bikini season, and somehow managed to maintain for most of the fall semester. However, the issue many collegiettes face is continuing to keep ourselves fit during winter break. Yes, Mom’s Christmas cookies are to die for, but what could beat the look on your ex’s face if you returned to campus in January looking better than ever? Don’t worry, ladies, with these tips, you can enjoy all the goodies that come with the holidays and still keep your fit figure!



1. Find a “partner-in-health.” This person can be your go-to gym buddy and support system when it comes to hors d’oeuvres and portion control at holiday parties. Facing the gym and that platter of cheese and crackers will be much easier with someone by your side.



2. Plan ahead. If you know you will be attending a party with tons of desserts, get to the gym early that day, and be aware of what you eat leading up to the event. Make sure you eat enough amount of protein and drink tons of water to curb cravings for sweet treats later in the evening. DO reward yourself by sharing one dessert with previously mentioned partner-in-health! Making a weekly to-do list of workouts and planned healthy meals is a very efficient method to avoid skipping the gym or ordering Chinese takeout.




3. Stay active! They say an object in motion is easier to keep in motion, and it is so true. With the absence of classes forcing us to walk from building to building, it is far too easy for us to become couch potatoes. Try to do at least one thing a day that keeps you active other than your workout. Walk around the mall with your girls, bundle up and go for a neighborhood stroll with your dog (or your little brother if you don’t have a dog…close enough), go ice-skating with that cute guy you’ve been texting, or wander around the nearest city and do all the silly tourist activities! Be creative, and imagine all of the opportunities for great Instagram-worthy photos!




4. Sleep enough, but not too much. Be sure to get around 8 hours of beauty sleep every night. Lack of sleep often leaves us feeling like we are hungrier the following day and makes fighting cravings much more difficult! On the other hand, sleeping beauties, staying in bed until 2:30 in the afternoon is excessive and a waste of your precious time. Just because we are on a break from school, does not mean we are on a break from life! Get up at a reasonable hour, take your time making a balanced breakfast, make plans for the evening, hit the gym, and spend quality time with your family!




5. Keep yourself busy with activities that don’t revolve around food. Boredom seems to lead us straight to the fridge or pantry for snacks. Avoid this by giving yourself plenty of fun activities to do throughout the day. Of course you have tons of friends to catch up with from high school, but instead of the basic lunch/dinner/frozen yogurt plans, why don’t you suggest cooking healthy meals for each other or meeting for coffees. By coffees, I mean actual coffees, not caramel macchiatos (240 calories 7g fat 32 g sugar in a grande!). When spending time alone, the possibilities are endless. Read a book, make a collage out of your favorite magazines, do some yoga (burn extra calories!), paint your nails, etc.

If you follow these basic guidelines, you’ll surely beat winter break weight gain. Best of luck, collegiettes, have a healthy holiday and a fit New Year! Xoxo

SU cheerleader obsessed with coffee, fashion, and fitness!