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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Susqu chapter.

There has been something about this semester that has felt exhausting. We are coming out of a period where we had some leniency because our classes were in a hybrid world. Not only that but with the weather changing and a lot of burnout happening, it is easy to catch a cold. I know a round of the Susky Plague was going around on campus before fall break.

If you’re like me, you might not be used to having a cold. I’ve talked to many people who have said that they have not gotten sick for the past two years. It definitely helped to be at home and all masked up. However, things are coming back in person, and we need to take care of ourselves.

First of all, it is important to hydrate yourself regardless. Especially when you are sick, you need extra fluids. Therefore, this is a great reminder that if you have not drunk water yet today, then now is a good time to get a few sips in. Since it’s fall, it is a fantastic time for tea too.

Additionally, I know that is a super busy time, but you have to remember to eat. It is easy to find yourself skipping meals throughout the day, however, we need to remember to eat. When we get food in our system, it gives us energy, and we need the energy to get through the day. I recommend bringing a little snack with you at least. When we have some food in us, it does help us feel a little better throughout the day.

There is so much pressure for students to be involved on campus. I totally get wanting to have a great experience in college. However, you have to know your limits. In fact, I had to let go of some things that I wanted to participate in this semester because it was too much. It is good to remind yourself that your academics come first before joining these clubs and organizations. But even then, your well-being is much more important.

Furthermore, nothing should be getting in the way of your sleep. I think that lack of sleep is a big indicator that something is not quite right. As someone who is usually getting six hours of sleep at the very most, I definitely know the reason where it stems from. It is very easy to overwork yourself, but you do have to set boundaries on that. Sleep is something that will make you feel so much better. I have been going through many days where I am extremely exhausted and sometimes, a little irritable. Therefore, you need to give yourself the downtime to rest.

It has been a rough semester with everything moving so fast even though we just came back from a hybrid year. I hope you know that you have been doing your best. You should be proud of yourself. But you should also be taking the time to take care of yourself too. Your hard work is not going unnoticed, and if you are struggling, you are not alone, and I hope things get better. You will survive the rest of the semester.

Jena Lui

Susqu '23

To go on an adventure means to set off into a new environment and to take it all in, keeping what is important to you.