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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Vincent chapter.

Anxiety and depression are the most common mental illnesses and are often looked at to be a bad thing. A lot of people underestimate the power that anxiety/depression has on a person. These two mental illnesses can occur separately, however, the majority of people who suffer from one diagnoses will most likely have symptoms of the other.

Many people tend to define a person using their anxiety/depression against them, viewing it as a terrible thing. Society likes to make people feel as if people are not real humans because of their illness. But, in fact a person struggling with anxiety/depression is the best human there is.

Image Credit: Medium

Personally, I have struggled with anxiety/depression for many years. More than I am even aware of because I was ashamed to admit it. I was scared what others would think about me. Recently, I have come to the realization that I in fact do struggle with anxiety/depression (mostly anxiety). I am not ashamed of it whatsoever because the perks of how my mind works is so worth it.

People who are struggling with anxiety/depression feel all emotions on a deeper level, not just the sad ones. Yes, sometimes it can be a huge struggle because when you feel down you feel DOWN. But, just think about how much stronger you become each and every time you bring yourself out of a dark period. We might worry a little bit more than the average person, but is that always a bad thing? It’ll help us to be the best person that we can possibly be, because we care. Yes, these feelings can bring you down, but do not let them. Find strength in your struggles and weaknesses. Use them to create a better version of yourself. Do not let yourself feel trapped within your own mind. The best way to cope is to accept and appreciate the mind you have been given. Yes, it is difficult and yes you might struggle everyday with simple tasks, but, once you find the power within yourself to cope and accept, your anxiety and depression can turn out to not be so bad after all.

So, feel those feelings on a deep level, it’s okay. Let yourself feel every single feeling you possibly can, good and bad. Just think about the love and compassion you have to offer someone. Your love for someone is going to be so deep and so appreciated. Because of the fact that you fight with your mind it will give you a better understanding of actions of another person. You can take that action and trace it back to its intention and the understanding of another person. We can accept the flaws and imperfections in another because we UNDERSTAND that everyone has a different way of interpreting right from wrong. We understand that communication is not easy, because when you say something the other person can interpret how they want. And those that struggle, have the kindest hearts because since our minds work so intricately, we have the ability to not only understand a person, but forgive them for doing wrong.

Image Credit: Eucla.org

Those who suffer from anxiety/depression can truly see the perfections in the imperfections. Because we can whole heartedly understand that NO ONE is perfect, but that’s what makes an individual who they are.

So yes, there is bad days when it comes to anxiety/depression. But, you do not have to let is define you as a person. You do not have to feel ashamed. You should feel proud, proud that you can recognize flaws within yourself and accept them. Be proud that you have the capability of being REALISTIC. Life is not perfect and it never will be, but you have the ability to accept and grow from the imperfections. Next time you are feeling down/ashamed of who you are, just remember to tell yourself “I love who I am, because I am me”. You might be a little messy, dramatic, and complicated. But you are striving to be the best version of yourself that you can be, and there is no better version of you, than you.

