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Ole Fit: Fight the Winter Slump!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Olaf chapter.

Once the winter months set in, the deep cold hits and the snow piles up to your knees, people rightfully stay inside more often. Since we’re often exposed to bitter winds up on the hill, there is a lot less incentive to make the treacherous walk down to Skoglund for a workout. Let’s face it – animals hibernate in the winter for a reason. Conditions are not ideal for staying active, however putting on a few extra pounds is a small concern compared to the slew of other ailments that show up during the winter. Colds, flus, and seasonal depression plague us all each snowy season, but there is no way to stop the snow and ice and bring summer back. However, there are many ways to build your immune system and fight the moodiness and fatigue that cold days usher in. 

Eat right!

It sounds obvious, but many of the healthy foods that we eat in the summer disappear as the days get shorter. Many fresh fruits and veggies are out of season, so how can you continue to get the antioxidants that boost your body’s cold-fighting power?  You may not be able to get your antioxidants from fresh blueberries or strawberries, but the good news is that COFFEE is a great source of antioxidants too! Coffee and tea (particularly Green Tea) are nice and cozy ways to boost your health in the winter. Lipton makes great single serving flavored green teas!

Get Outside!

If you only need one incentive to go outside this winter, just remember that the air still smells like cookies in the winter! (Thanks, Malt-o-Meal!) Fresh air is a great way to clear your mind and refresh your senses after being in the library all day. There are lots of fun outdoor activities that can only be enjoyed during the winter. Way Park, just off of Ole Ave, has a cute ice-skating rink. Head to a secondhand store and search for a cheap pair of ice skates! Call up all your friends and do some classic caf tray sledding, or try my favorite winter activity, snowshoeing. St. Olaf Outdoor Recreation Program (STORP) has snowshoes available for students to check out! Being outside also allows your body to soak up Vitamin D, which is crucial in combatting Seasonal Affective Disorder and keeping your spirits high!

Take a Fitness Class!

Exercise is possibly more important in the winter than any other time of the year. When your body is not getting the Vitamin D that it needs from the Sun, it needs to find other ways to keep your mood positive. Endorphins are the answer! But don’t get caught up in the routine of the treadmill. This winter join a fitness class like yoga, pilates, or ZUMBA! The fun of meeting up with friends will make you look forward to class and keep you excited about going to the gym.