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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SLU chapter.

After my senior year of high school, I saw a therapist leading up until I left for college. The summer before coming to SLU, I was plagued with anxiety and extremely worried about leaving behind everything I had known. I had plenty of doubt over whether I was ready for college and if I would be able transition smoothly. Many of my friends at home had strong relationships with their therapists and always spoke highly of the one-on-one relief that was provided. Feeling lost, I decided to try it. After only a few sessions, I was so glad I did. Here are the key reasons why I love therapy.

1. One whole hour all about YOU

YOU ARE THE SUN. The person listening to you is literally paid, to, well, listen to you! It’s very unusual to have an entire section of your day completely devoted to solving your problems. It’s a place where you can vent, cry, laugh, and grow. And there is no pressure to reciprocate this support back to your therapist because the time is meant solely for you and what your needs are. This creates a rare haven where you are the central focus.


2.  Unbiased advice

Your therapist has no connection to your life – besides while in therapy sessions with you. Unlike your best friend, your therapist has no gain in sugarcoating or lying to you. They will be completely forward and help you make important decisions. Unless you run into them at your local Bread Co., you will probably never see them outside of their office. This creates an atmosphere that allows for you to tell as little or much as you want with little to no consequence.


3. Working through stuff with a qualified person

I always thought that during therapy, you would simply dump your problems and your therapist would tellyou the magical steps to instantly solve everything. I was sorely mistaken. But after a few sessions, I had never been happier to be so wrong. Instead of your therapist dictating what you should do, they work with you to come up with a solution that you cultivate alongside them. Therapy is not just your therapist telling you what to do; it’s a give and take between the both of you.


4. The feeling of success

What’s better than feeling accomplished? Therapy can lead you to create goals, and better yet, achieve them! Just simply reliving some of the problems that are burdening you can lift a huge weight off of your shoulders and bring a sense of fulfillment to your life.


5. It can be free!

SLU gives you TEN free sessions! The University Counseling Center is super accessible and right down West Pine, inside of Campus Ministry on the second floor. Just call 314-977-8255 (TALK) to make your appointment and you’re in. You’ll do a quick online survey to gauge why you want to start therapy before your first appointment, and voila!


Disclaimer: I am an extrovert and have discovered that talking my way through my anxieties and stresses is an immense help. Not everyone works this way, and therapy does not work for everyone as it worked for me. However, even if you are introverted or don’t love talking through your issues, don’t rule it out. Something in therapy still might click. Another great thing about therapy is that you’re not required to go. If you don’t like it, no worries; you don’t have to go back. If you only want to go once a month, great! You can. If you just want to go once to see what it’s like, you can do that too. Therapy is about what works for YOU and only you. That’s the best part about it.

Her Campus Enthusiast. Spreading Minnesota jokes, star wars apparel, and reproductive justice.