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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SLU chapter.


1. Be yourself

In a city away from home, it can be easy to lose one’s identity. Be conscious of what you want to say or do versus what you actually do. Keep your feet on the ground.


2. Have a support system

Your support system will be your backbone during difficult times. It is called your support system for a reason. Make sure you know who is going to support you and never let them go. Occasionally have a conversation with them. Keep some time to socialize and increase the number of friends you can count on.


3. Listen to music

Listening, singing, or dancing to your all-time favorite track will definitely lift your spirits. If you are in a public place and cannot dance or sing your ass off, don’t fret. You can still blast music via headphones and tap to the beat. If this doesn’t help turn your day around, I don’t know what will.


4. Count the good days

If you’ve had a really awesome day, shout it from the top of the mountain, but maybe not literally. Make a note of the day so you can always remember your best day ever. Whenever you are down, relive that day so that you realize that good days are possible. Keep track of the consecutive days during which you were happy. Rejoice when you reach a double digit and dance your heart away.


5. Keep busy

On those really unpleasant days, keep yourself busy. Don’t dwell on your mistakes and the worries of life. Focus your energy on homework that is due or study a difficult concept. If you cannot concentrate, try changing your environment. Perform an activity that relaxes you and takes you to your happy place.


6. Chill with friends

Finding people you would like to be friends with might be hard. Till you find your set of people, enjoy the company of those around you. Grab a cup of coffee and let your hair down; who knows, you might find them sooner than you realize.  


7. Have fun

I don’t think i need to elaborate more on this bit of information. 


Keep your head high and enjoy life as it comes!

International student, here in Saint Louis for an exchange program. Hyperactive, curious and fidgety.
Sarah is the Editor-in-Chief and Co-Campus Correspondent for Her Campus at Saint Louis University. She is a Junior studying English and American Studies with a primary interest in 20th-Century and Contemporary American Literature, particularly semi-autobiographical fiction and novels that celebrate diversity within the fabric of American society and culture. Sarah is originally from Minneapolis, MN (and will talk your ear off about it) and loves all things literature, intersectional feminisim, travel, food, and politics. Ask her for recommendations for exciting new novels or local restaurants, and she will gladly oblige!