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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJSU chapter.

Feeling an overwhelming amount of nerves and anxiety lately? Physically and mentally drained? How about your energy as a whole, do you feel like there is an imbalance present?

Chances are your root chakra may be blocked, and that’s okay! I’ll explain my tips and recommendations for reopening and stimulating your root chakra in order to live a more balanced and sustainable lifestyle.

I am sure you have heard the word chakra being thrown around, whether it be through a guided meditation or a yoga video on YouTube, but what exactly is a chakra and how do we know when one of them is blocked?

The origins of the chakra system originated in India between 1500 and 500 BC and were explained through something called the Vedas, which contains ancient Hindu scriptures written in Sanskrit. These scriptures include hymns, philosophies, and guidance on rituals. 

Chakras refer to energy centers in our body, starting at the root (or base) of your spine and extending to the crown of your head. These discs of energy correspond to specific nerves and organs throughout your body, so it is important to pay attention to your physical and mental needs as they function at their best when your chakras are opened or balanced. There are seven major chakras in your body; Crown, third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral and root. Each of these chakras rule a different part of your body and has different physical and emotional needs when trying to unblock them.

The root chakra (located at the base of your spine) in particular represents what we need in life in order to feel grounded or “rooted”. It is essentially the center of self-esteem, integrity and a sense of belonging. If you are feeling like the security and stability within yourself is compromised, there is a high probability that your root chakra is out of balance.

Here are some ways you can begin to reopen your root chakra:

  1. Set your intentions and repeat positive affirmations
  • There are various ways to go about this step, it is honestly up to you and how you choose to practice this. Personally, I like to write them down in a journal while listening to some calming music and practicing my breathing techniques. A few affirmations I use are, “I intend to release anxiety and fear within me with each breath,” “I am here, I am safe and I belong, “I am grounded and protected in this world.”
  1. Yoga
  • Physical activity is very beneficial when trying to reopen any chakra. There are many poses and videos online to help open specific areas that are needed. The best poses for the root chakra are usually ones that emphasize balancing. This includes warrior pose, tree pose or Sukhasana (easy pose). Here’s a link to a video that helps beginners open their root chakra.
  1. Grounding Crystals
  • Crystals contain many healing properties for different areas you may need. Some crystals that specifically help with grounding your root chakra include Hematite, Jasper, Onyx, Carnelian, etc. Make sure to go to your local crystal shop and ask the owner for their recommendations as well!
  1. Spending time in nature
  • As the basis of healing the root chakra is trying to ground yourself, it is important to remember to connect with the Earth and nature around you. The overall role is to connect your mind, body and spirit with the Earth so things like walking barefoot in grass, going on hikes and swimming in lakes can be very beneficial in this process.

Let us know if you try out any of these techniques, or already practice them, by tagging us on Instagram @HerCampusSJSU!

Hi !! I'm Mikaila and I am currently a fourth year at SJSU majoring in Communication Studies. I enjoy writing as it allows me to express my thoughts and opinions and share them with others!