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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Siena chapter.

Mental health is a serious issue that is often overlooked by everything else that is on a college students plate. Instead of making sure we are mentally okay we have to finish the six hours of homework, attend two clubs, and still find time to socialize and make friends. As a freshman witnessing the transition of moving from home into a dorm, a lot of girls have struggled with roommate issues, balancing their time, and simply just leaving the comfort of their hometown. However, there are a few things you can do to make sure you are still getting much needed me time and remain in a healthy mindset.


Go to the Gym

One thing that I do to help calm my anxiety is going to the gym. For a lot of girls their mental health is heavily correlated with their physical appearance, and this is extremely true for myself. The gym helps you work on yourself by improving your physical health and escape the issues that are currently eating at you. A bunch of fitness gurus have spoken about how they initially went to the gym to help with their anxiety, and look at them now! Also if you aren’t too big on running or weight lifting, try yoga–this has helped a bunch of my friends ease their anxiety. 

Time Management

Sometimes balancing work, school, socializing, and sleep seem to be really overwhelming – actually all of the time. But the best way to combat this is by setting a schedule for yourself. Plan out how much time it is going to take to you to do your work or set aside a day or two where you strictly focus on your work to get ahead for the week. Doing this will make things seem a lot less overwhelming and you can estimate how much time left you have to do other things, like taking a nap or catching up with friends.

Have a Meal with Friends

Whether it is everyday or a few times a week, make time to eat with your friends. Sometimes when people get very stressed, the best thing for them to do is to talk it out with their friends. After all, venting never hurt anyone. Also, since everyone has to take a study break and eat, might as well do it with friends and talk about what’s bothering you! This allows you to get problems off your chest, get advice, and socialize so you can feel better about staying in and doing your homework for the rest of the night.

Visit the Counseling Center

If you feel really stuck, like nothing is going to get better and everything has gone wrong, there is nothing wrong with asking for help. Every school has a counseling center for a reason, and oftentimes colleges offer free counseling sessions. The professionals that work there are there because they want to help, they want to hear your problems–don’t worry, you’re not burdening anyone. I know going to the counseling center may not be ideal for everyone, but they are the people who can really help you no matter the situation. Asking for help when you know you need it is a brave and admirable trait. You are not weak for doing so. 

If you are struggling with your mental health, take time to focus on yourself and take necessary measures to get better. Remember tomorrow is always a new day where you can start fresh!

Tori is a senior at Siena College. She is a communications journalism major and hopes to become a journalist for National Geographic or the New York Times and also creatively write. She enjoys Mcdonalds, eating, hanging out with friends, surfing, hiking, and Netflix. Follow her on instagram to see her adventures @torimangelli.