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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Siena chapter.

It seems we experience stress almost daily, and learning how to cope with it can be hard when we don’t feel like we have the time to deal with it. However, stress doesn’t just go away and come back when we’re ready for it, so trying different coping mechanisms is a great way to help handle stressful times! Here are some ways to help manage your stress.


Journaling can be a great – and productive – way of getting out all of your feelings without taking it out on anyone else. Feeling a little angry with your friends, siblings, parents, significant other, teacher, etc.? Journal about it! It’s an easy way to really be intrapersonal with yourself and gives you a way to look back at exactly how you were feeling. Plus, you won’t say the wrong thing just because you’re mad, it’s safely kept in a journal only you get to read.

Schedule Leisure Time

Sometimes we are always go, go, go, and it’s not healthy for us. Scheduling out time during your day or setting a stopping time at night will allow you to relax for a little bit and do something you want to do, instead of needing to do. To start and end your day with nothing but priorities can be really stressful and effect your eating and sleeping habits. Giving yourself time to read, sleep, watch a TV show, take a walk, etc. will not only boost your mood, but let you relax a little. And be selfish about this time! Don’t let it get push around and pushed back. Take it every day and plan for it every day.


Everyone’s favorite activity, right? Probably not, but you don’t have to get sweaty in the gym to enjoy some physical activity. Taking a walk around your neighborhood or campus will clear your mind and let your stretch out a bit. Or, if exercising makes your happy, getting in a good sweat session will help clear your mind of useless things and give you something positive to focus on!

Overall, we all experience way too much, but learning how to handle it is important. There are millions of ways to handle stress, but these three options can be implemented into your daily regimen right now. Prioritize yourself! You’ve got this!

Alyssa Guzman is a Siena College Class of 2021 alumna. During her time at Siena, she Double Majored in English and Communications Journalism with a minor in Writing and Communications.