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5 Tips for A More Positive You

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SCSU chapter.

It can be hard to remain positive when it feels like the world is falling on our shoulders. There is school, work, trying to create a path in your career and all the other little stresses of life. However, I like to remain positive about anything I have to do, or anything new I approach. They do say that you’re attitude attracts your result, so why not have a positive attitude rather than a negative one?

Quote calendar

Having a calendar with motivational quotes can be really helpful to go to sleep to, or wake up to. There is a new quote every month that you get to see and read every single day!

Get a good night’s sleep

Sometimes waking up in the morning is even more horrible than it has to be because you don’t get enough sleep. Put that phone away and get your beauty sleep! You’ll wake up feeling less tired and it will show physically, mentally and emotionally.

Take one day at a time

This one can be harder than any of the other tips. Many people like to plan ahead so they aren’t blindsided with life, but why cause pain on yourself with extreme stressing of the future? It can be difficult to remain calm, as a college student, when you have a million deadlines, a job and if you’re tring to make plans for your career. Get through one day at a time, tackle your daily obstacles before trying to tackle your weekly, monthly and yearly obstacles!

Celebrate the tiny victories

Any little treat, any class cancellation, anything that makes your heart happy even if it is only minimal should be something that makes you happy! You don’t always need a grand thing to happen to you, small things create big moments. Be happy any chance you get, no matter how small!

Dont compare yourself to others

It is a bad habit many people tend to fall into. Everyone moves at a different pace, at a different beat, everyone has a different story. Don’t think you need to have what she has, or that you need to look like her, or you should have this or that. You are you and you will write your own awesome story. Focus on the path ahead of you rather than walking your path while watching someone else walk theirs because they will continue to get ahead while you stumble and fall.

Here’s to more positive thoughts, feelings, and times!



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SCSU Campus Correspondant. Communication major, journalism minor.