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15 Self-Care Ideas for a Stressful Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Scranton chapter.

It’s that time of the year: Midterm Season. With exams and papers being assigned left and right, stress is building up. The stress of schoolwork can take a huge toll on our mental health, which affects how we feel, act, and make choices. It’s common for college students to prioritize their schoolwork instead of their mental health. While it is important to keep our grades up, it is way more important to take care of ourselves first. One of the best ways to take care of your mental health is self-care!

Self-care is taking the time to do things that make you feel happy, relieve your stress, and improve your physical and mental health overall. The smallest acts of self-care can go a long way. Here are 15 self-care ideas for when you’re feeling stressed and overwhelmed:

1. Listen to your favorite music

2. Journal your feelings

3. Watch your favorite movie or show

4. Cook or order in your favorite food

5. Go for a walk

6. Do a face mask

7. Take a shower

8. Spend quality time with friends or family

9. Watch the sunrise or sunset

10. Reorganize your space

11. Sleep

12. Read a book

13. Try a new hobby

14. Yoga

15. Unplug for the day

Alexandra Buck

Scranton '25

Hi everyone!! I’m an Early and Primary Education major! I love hanging out with my friends, listening to music, and reading!